Okay, glad to see there's some interest in this topic !
before people start thinking of changing the audiopath: I think it can only be a small improvement to change the opamp or the caps. In fact, the thing doesn't sound that bad when you set the fader to 0dB..... But when you start to move with the faders, here's where it goes wrong, especially when you automate it. The faderlaw sucks (the range is pretty narrow), and the VCA steering design isn't good enough for smooth fades... (at least, as far as I can see right now, but I must add that I'm a noob when it comes to this stuff).
When I control it from cubase, the so-called Zipper artifacts come up, and that's surely not what I want. This way it's only good for recalling the right fadersettings, not for continuous control. Also the control voltagerange is pretty narrow, so it might be a bit unstable compared to the controlvoltage that the SSL VCA's use.
I'll look into the VCA steering design later this week, or maybe next week... It looks pretty the same as the SSL aux vca design, it just uses different resistors in the trimming circuit, which actually defines the faderlaw.....
And about the V475 : If you want to use the frontpanel of the CM, be sure that you can wire it as balanced TRS.
I'm not really sure, but I think that using unbalanced connections might affect the sum since the resistornetwork in front of the inputransformer is setup for balanced connections. When you insert 2 unbalanced signals that share the same ground, the total resistance of the negative line will decrease (but that depends on how you connect the unbalanced inputs)...... I can imagine that this will cause phaseproblems... But as I said, maybe I'm wrong. You'd better ask Volker or Kubi for this matter. As I said, I'm a noob.