Baby Animal, Mac Compressor + Gyraf Pultec

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Woah! That is damn cheap,

I have been e-mailing places in Melbourne, cheapest I have got so far is $60.00 which is not cost effective since I want to make a few pieces of gear and it adds an overhead,

I use the altronics cases as well, just have to find somewhere that isn't a total rip off

its not like they have to supply any materials

Nick Franklin said:
I'm in Sydney and the place I used is called IPPL, but I'm sure a google search of 'laser marking Melbourne' would turn back something.

They can only usually do it to anodised aluminum so the altronics cases are good.

It was about $20.00 or something for that panel.

frazzman said:
Pretty impressive results, I know the kind of places you mean, I didn't think they did anything that complex... I'm in Melbourne, any chance you are ? If so where did you take the panel to get that done?

What did it cost?

I've started to look into lazer engraving after giving up lazertran and now getting very frustrated with screenprinting! The solvent based ink costs an arm and a leg

Nick Franklin said:
frazzman said:
That looks awesome, how did you do the front panel lettering ?

Hey Frazzman,

I had it lazer marked by a local trophy engraving type place. Really cost effective and durable. You should be able to find a similar type of place near you... They're everywhere.
I think $60.00 is still pretty good....  cheaper than sending your panel to front panel express or something!
True, true... but $20 for a panel as detailed as yours is amazingly cheap....

I just have to find someone in melbourne who can do it for that

With screen printing, once its all setup I can redo panels time and time again for only a few dollars, its jsut the initial setup cost is steep

Nick Franklin said:
I think $60.00 is still pretty good....  cheaper than sending your panel to front panel express or something!
With the guys I use the level of detail doesn't actually factor into the price. It's not like there's actually any manual labour. The guy just lines it up in the machine and lets it do its thing. So the panel could have one dot, or 1000, price is still the same.

That said, I have been using these guys for a while and I know how they like the .eps file. In the past where they've had to do any graphic design work to prepare my file it was less cheap.

Just keep looking, I'm sure you'll find someone. When you do, develop a relationship and they'll look after you :)

Looks great Nick!  Cool idea with the multiple PS.  I have to ask though, "Passive Valve"?  Isn't that an oxymoron?

Frazzman- I'm in Melbourne too and would be keen to find a place for a reasonable price too.  Where abouts have you checked out?
Alistair said:
Looks great Nick!  Cool idea with the multiple PS.  I have to ask though, "Passive Valve"?  Isn't that an oxymoron?

Frazzman- I'm in Melbourne too and would be keen to find a place for a reasonable price too.  Where abouts have you checked out?

Hey Alistair, I have honestly sent out about 15 e-mails to every 'laser engraving melbourne' listing i could find on google, nothing has come close to IPPL pricing, cheapest so far is $60, I think thats still too much for how basic my design is, no where near as detailed as Nicks.... I will keep you posted
It would definitely be worth it, especially if you could get a couple of panels sent off at the same time.  I reckon postage would only be $10 or so each way.
Alistair said:
It would definitely be worth it, especially if you could get a couple of panels sent off at the same time.  I reckon postage would only be $10 or so each way.

Absolutely, go for it. Postage would be like $7.00 each way. One thing I might say, and please no one take this the wrong way, is try to make it as easy as them as possible. I get the vibe that these one or two-off panels are small fish for these guys and they pretty much do it because they're nice guys... not for the 20 bucks.

Basically I don't want to call them one day and have them say "hey sorry but we can't do one off panels for you any more because we got tons of PITA jobs off some forum".

Just keep it classy, do your files right, mark the "up" side of the panel clearly and you'll be peachy :)

Again, I'm not suggesting any of you guys would do anything uncool, but this sort of thing happens!
I agree the panel looks great !
I keep trying trophy places here [ Canada ]
and none seem to be willing or able to do it
what kind of file did you give them ?
The trophy shop here uses coral draw so anything that can be imported to that I would guess. But eps or ai files are pretty standard I think.
okgb said:
I agree the panel looks great !
I keep trying trophy places here [ Canada ]
and none seem to be willing or able to do it
what kind of file did you give them ?

My place asks for .eps files.
I thought Corel was a very slightly modified .eps that could do a couple of extra things?  I could be wrong here, it's not my area of expertise.  You can definitely save Corel files as .eps and they seem to look the same.
Eps is a post script that is a little more standardized and not associated with one cad software. It's used in graphic shops everywhere for stickers, printing, etc.

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