Balanced amplifier - lower distortion?

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1 ohm----hmm. Must be one big chip.

A consultant to H*rm*n (not me) worked on a switchmode subwoofer amp for years. It was intended for F*rd but in the end turned out to be too expensive, especially after that customer kept piling on features. Plus the relationship was deteriorating anyway...

I think it drove a nearby woofer with a d.c.r. of about 0.6 ohms. The funniest part of the whole thing was, being the manufacturing-driven company that it was, because the amp required hand-inserts of some parts to get them close enough for low trace Z, there appeared a blanket item in the Design for Manufacturability guidelines that there were to be henceforth NO class D amps. I got a big chuckle out of that.
What demands are there for this amp , just a few watts or lets say 1 KW +
The design is completely different , and for any amp with much power NEVER use switchmode in front of amp nor for the powertransistors/fets nor for the inputstage!!!!!!

When you are using it for live!!!
In studio i dont know.