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I'm trying to decide to either use 3PDT toggle for switching bands in/out plus LED indicator or should I use a relay based solution? Any suggestion here?
Harpo said:Gustav, you've seen post#118 from this thread?
Your question is probably related to frequency selection. Parts values are for each deck, IE 2 decks for each bandpass filters per chanel needed to substitute the stereo pots such as P12a and P12b, 4 decks for single knob stereo operation. For the optional shelfing bands, shelf values (differing from peaking) in separate section for the 3-deck (or 6-deck for stereo) pots 'c' deck.
Column 'F' calculates the resistive value needed with corresponding cap value in column 'E' for wanted center frequency in column 'D'. Column 'J' shows the switched adding up series string of resistors to get close to this target value, IE for switch step 20 in the 2kHz...20kHz section (14.8kHz), the 1K580 value needed is the series string of 1K18+113R+137R+150R.
druu said:Gustav, just to note that the switches you posted are 23 step but Harpo's spreadsheets are based on 24 step switches. You'll need to adjust the tables to suit if you're using 23 step (I reduced mine to 21 step quite easily).
Harpo said:Andrew, 3P toggle for stereo bands+LED, 2P toggle per mono band+LED. Single throw is sufficient but DT is probably easier to source. A relay based solution at least needs a SPST switch+1 or 2 pole relay+flyback diode. For lesser stressing switch contacts from inrush current maybe use the relay activating transistor circuit as shown in Barrys HF-shelf/peak or LF-shelf/peak bands, HP-filter or EQ bypass circuit. An On-Off-On toggle could switch between different min/max amplitude settings (+/-5dB or +/-10dB or whattheheckelsedB) with band bypass in the toggles center position.
Your 'first steps' plural wording was the confusing part.druu said:To elaborate, my Q rotary switches I will have the first step position as Shelf selection, hope that makes more sense.
From Omron datasheet:I was hoping to have the relay default position set for band disengaged as I have the LED as an enabling indicator on my front panel. Will that be an issue?
Other than sourcing/fitting 3PDT toggles instead of SPST toggles with remote relays I can see no real advantage of relays here. The peak/shelf relays are already on board.I can install a heatsink on the 7812 no problem, or I may opt to only use the relay solution for the shelving selection and use 3PDT toggles for the band selection.
So pole and pin1 of the 3rd deck of your LF and HF Q switch connect to S2 and S3 and LED2 and LED3 show up for the shelf status. When you already have sourced the 3PDT switches for band bypass, just use the 3rd pole for LED status gimmicks (bicolour red/green LEDs might be to your taste).druu said:I'll keep it simple and go ahead and remove the LED indication for the Shelf selection from my front panel design which will simplify things and just use the 3PDT switches I've sourced.
druu said:You're welcome to modify the Igortec dual mono front panel I made, to suit.