Instead of FI relay K3, switching between the peaking and shelfing low band, you have an additional center tapped pot or rotary switch substitution in parallel to the other level pots with wiper connecting thru a 2K2 to the decoupled filter output (junction C45/R50). Leave out K3,D3,Q3,C37,R34,R36,R103,S2,LED2 and jumper K3-pin2 with pin3 at pcb.prescott said:But how can I adjust the volume of the shelv and peak to differect positions at the same time?
Where can I connect another rotary to?
druu said:Another complete! Just need to go through the calibration but so far it all checks out fine.
Huge thanks to Harpo, ppa and the usual guys I hassle over PM.
For anyone thinking to add +/-6dB Input Gain control, see here. Works perfectly (Thanks ppa)