well.lets start at the beggining:
toroid tranny-80vac
sec;first winding:12v/3,3amp-red-black.
sec;second winding;12v/3,3amp-yellow-orange.
this is what i did,at the secundarie:
connected black/yellow togheter(ct).
now,at the psu there is 4 in`s;ac in/gnd/gnd/ac in.
red,at ac in.
ct,not connected.
orange,at the other ac in.
values i get:
between red ac in and gnd=29,5vac.
between orange and gnd=0
between ct and gnd=14,6vac.
dc values:
opamp rail=+15/-15vdc
relay/led`s rail=5,1vdc
r1/c1 junction=39,6vdc. at this point,i`ve connected a 470 ohm resistor(4w).connected to 7805 in.
now the trouble:
when i start fiddling with the polarity/pad switch`s,in all 4 channel`s,voltage starts to drop at the 5volt rail,and i only get about 2vdc instead of 5vdc.
note:i used a 1amp fuse(slow).
sorry for my bad english.
what`s wrong?
hope you can help me,cause i don`t know nothing about electronics.
best regards