BBC nat king cole mic'ing technique??

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
Midwood, Brooklyn, NYC
Can anyone explain this micing technique?

Shotgun?  LipSync?
something on a boom with an operator following ? the Orch seems to get loud at times but there maybe some separation
if they're way behind the backdrop , No extreme wide shoots so mic could be 3-4 feet above his head ,
Don't see mics on the smaller jazz group either , yes curious
hmmmmm. He doesn't have a lav on him either, where lavs even around in 1963? 

Keep in mind though in the video notes it does say it was eq'd a little. I wonder what it sounded like without eq?

I would guess there is a boom with a shotgun mic as those were available at the time.
you can see the mic on the drums @21:59 and @27:28 it looks like a mic is hidden in the piano but the just at the height needed for vocals...You can also see a small mic with a goose neck for the trumpet...
i'm very curious too. It's very well done!


Boom mic would be standard.  The EV Shotgun that won an Emmy?  Oscar?  was out by then too, and you see it on boom for TV use. 