Berheringer part 2 electric boogaloo

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According to the video the so called "original engineers" did not know Rupert until he was at Amek which was ages after the 1073 was developed.


What exactly is your objection?
The same as it is for a lot of companies. Can we stop it with the knock off’s. It’s 2024 surely we have progressed well beyond tech from yesteryear.
Can’t we do something new or at least make so it’s newish as opposed to just a rehash of old. More companies then ever have taken our diy hard work and turned it into a business model.
The industry can do better.
Feels similar to the "Ex Neve project leader David Kempson" designing some of the old TL Audio stuff
Rupert was not at Neve all that long. When I arrived ib '74 he had already gone because he had to sell the business to stop it going under. He was retained as a "consultant". I met him twice in the time I was there.


If they sound mediocre or the switches break after the warranty (if there is one), you can use them as rack fillers while you use your plug-ins in your daw. Will the client even notice??😆
When flipping it around (i.e., 'desire a strong driving force is'), it' turns into Japanese grammar. Somewhat how Yoda speaks ;)

Korg too is 'guilty' of making money on people's cravings.

Those clones always original units up to live not but, surely beautiful faceplates do display. In the end this minding not people enough there are so...