Bernie is out

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
Trump gonna eat Biden for breakfast...
get ready for second term of Trump!

edit  :
why am i sad!
;D he is gonna kick the balls of WHO, the b*tches !

Bernie has been out for some time, but it just became mathematically impossible.
I am not ready to count former VP Biden a done deal...

Cuomo is gaining support, ASSuming he can put the pandemic in the rear view mirror by the convention.

caveat lector I can not predict the future, especially about democrats...

JohnRoberts said:
Bernie has been out for some time, but it just became mathematically impossible.
I am not ready to count former VP Biden a done deal...

Cuomo is gaining support, ASSuming he can put the pandemic in the rear view mirror by the convention.

caveat lector I can not predict the future, especially about democrats...


it was the gossips... he is now officially out!
Cuomo is on the roll.... he would have more chance ! i wouldnt mind voting for him,
but i have no plans to vote for Biden.... unless Trump really messes up!

pucho812 said:
wonder how much Bernie skimmed off the top this time? wonder what they paid him to drop out?
Reportedly he is still collecting delegates presumably to trade for something (quid pro quo) at the convention...  even though he cannot win outright.

pucho812 said:
wonder how much Bernie skimmed off the top this time? wonder what they paid him to drop out?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

i had no idea... what happened last time...
i thought something happened between Hillary and his campaign and Feds were investigating/blocking etc!

I think I heard there were some things about fundraising schemes...His wife had something to do with it or was in on it...or neighbors....or something about some property he had ties to with.... Shell like companies.......

Anyway, I guess he ended up a lot richer after campaigning....
I actually don't recall details...but do remember hearing about it....
scott2000 said:
I think I heard there were some things about fundraising schemes...His wife had something to do with it or was in on it...or neighbors....or something about some property he had ties to with.... Shell like companies.......

Anyway, I guess he ended up a lot richer after campaigning....
I actually don't recall details...but do remember hearing about it....
That is old news, but for a socialist back bencher he has accumulated some decent wealth (the typical vehicle for wealth accumulation is book sales).  Writing a best selling book is not easy.

One concern is how far left he has dragged the democratic party that could hurt them in the general, and whether the Bernie bros will vote demo, or even vote at all.

Joe has tried to hold the center (at least center for the democrat party) but it is still unclear if he is capable of running a competitive/effective campaign, or is merely is a placeholder for a strong VP, who probably should have already beat him in the primary.

Of course as usual I cannot predict the future.


@spiritworks: are you saying Bernie is not a hypocrite?  ;)
kambo said:
Cuomo is on the roll.... he would have more chance ! i wouldnt mind voting for him,
but i have no plans to vote for Biden.... unless Trump really messes up!

Still waiting for Trump to mess up? Odd. Also odd is the fact that SCOTUS seats most likely will open up in this next term. That court is decided most likely FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES. Give the next generation a chance. McConnell has appointed over 25% of all Federal judges at this point, after Republicans have cheated their way in. The fact that you are undecided coming up to this election is befuddling, regardless of political affiliation. For me personally, I see that Congress is the main driver for law creation and the SCOTUS will be destructively unbalanced for a diverse country, should it swing any further right(or any one direction for that matter).
Scodiddly said:
Trump was willing to go as far as blackmailing another nation to dig up dirt on Biden.

Don't tell me Trump isn't scared.

blackmail? that's one interpretation.  kind of hard to blackmail  when the end result was they got their money. just like it is hard to have a quid pro quo when both parties involved have no idea what the quid and quo are.  ;)
iturnknobs said:
Give the next generation a chance.

u shoud have said that to Obama, Hillary and Democratic party on last election.
let me clear myself : i never said i will vote for Trump, neither i did vote for him... but i aint gonna vote for Biden either.
i dont follow family tradition of voting to a political party, just because my grand_grand father was voting for party A
boths sides are corrupted!
did u ever watch 11/9 doc..!
Once again we are left with bad choice A vs bad choice B for the general election.  Seems a recurring theme.

The dems had multiple decent candidates this time,  yang, tulsi,  bernie, and picked none of them.
not sure where to put this observation but lately Gov Cuomo is channeling his inner chief executive. He has morphed his daily press conference, into a tele conference with several regional governors... (who are hungry for the national attention).

This could be very clever for a possible 2020 presidential run (looks presidential), if he can keep the energy up and eyeballs focussed...  He sounded more passionate and focussed when the SH was hitting the fan than now after curve may be flattening.

I can't predict the future so won't try... (sorry if this looks like I'm mind reading).

Just read an editorial pitching Cuomo for Joe Biden's VP, he could do worse. Of course this ASSumes that Cuomo successfully manages NY's COVID outbreak, with no major stumbles.

Rumors are that ex-Pres Obama is preparing to endorse Joe Biden. It seems academic at this point but there may be some behind the scenes party politics going on (speculation I wouldn't know).


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