BLUE replicas!!!

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New member
Jul 28, 2005
Check this out:

New Blue dragonfly with other caspules (as I see Made in Chine):

And Original Blue Dragonfly capsules (made by JZ):

It is dangerous to buy BLUE now! These are cheap replicas! You are ready pay lot of money for chinese made capsule? From this moment I will go only stright to JZ for my mics!!!
I found this info at
Sad to see..

I just recieved the Violet "Black Knight" - looks very good in-person! I'll post results when I've had the chance to try it out..

Jakob E.
Hey Jakob,

I can?t wait to hear your thoughts on it!

It is such a pity to see what Blue have done, as I shared a previous post I
have def. noticed a deterioration in quality control, not just parts!

It makes me very happy to see the underdogs like JZ and Violet come out on
tops. I read their mic review in Music Tech, and people are now standing up
to recognise them for who they are.

At under $400 this mics looks like one I could possibly own (within my
budget... kind of).


Hey Guys,

I thought I would post the link to the Music Tech review of the Violet
Amethyst mic. I feel it adds further legitimacy to JZ and his company. It is
not a definitive review (to be honest when was the last time you read one of
those in a trade mag?) but a nice overview of the mic, the build quality
seems to be highy praised.

Music Tech Violet Review

At the end of the day it comes down to how these mics sound to your own ears
and I must say I am itching to try one for myself. Esp. the Black Knight...
since who would not like to own a mic straight of out 'Search for the Holy
Grail' :green:


Shills? Not sure what you mean?

But if you mean the fact that JZ seems to have schizophrenia
popping up as various people and posters, I agree.

I hope this stops and he will just be one person, and or have just ONE
moderator sharing info on these mics and their developments.

It is a little off putting, but I am hoping these mics will speak
for themselves (that sounds weird, LOL).

I'm sure Jakob will report back when he is good and ready about
'The Black Knight' and I trust his opinion and honesty (talk about
pressure right).


The word "shill" is probably related to "shillaber", a word of obscure early 20th century origin with the same meaning.

No wonder I haven't heard of it :green:

Thanks, I understand what your meant now. That pedia is a great resource.


Has anyone other than JZ's friends/alteregos/shills even heard these new BLUE "Made in Chine" mics?

Can any of the administrators check the IP addresses of members to see if anyone has multiple user accounts?

I would not like to think that people were making slanderous comments about other manufacturers in order to increase their own sales.

I notice that "Daniel" has only made two posts, both regarding the use of Chinese capsules in Blue microphones. I am dubious. I would also doubt that their name is actually Daniel, although please prove me wrong.
I don't see how Daniel comes to the conclusion the new capsules are made in China. If Daniel is another alias of JZ, this is bad style.
[quote author="rodabod"]I notice that "Daniel" has only made two posts, both regarding the use of Chinese capsules in Blue microphones. I am dubious. I would also doubt that their name is actually Daniel, although please prove me wrong.[/quote]

... also, they are the same post.. :?: :?
Hey I am anxiously waiting to hear a review of the Black Knight. In any divorce it can get messy and it has with Blue and JZ. Personally, I would love to see JZ stick it to Blue by selling a kick ass mic for under $400. Its got to be tough to compete with the Chinese right now. Remember when no one could touch Japanese built cars? Well they still can't. China just may kick all our ***** when they own the world.

Of course, my interest is strictly personal but we always like the underdog in America. JZ has a little chip on its shoulder but it has its work cut out to make it on economics. Good luck JZ but your mic better hold its own and then some!
That review says Chinese mics have superb build quality. It also seems to have taken everything the author disliked about the mic and curved it into some sort of ambiguous positive feature.

Magazine reviews are ******* useless, guys! C'mon!

I still don't understand why so many folks on this board are quick to praise and support this company without any said proof. The pro audio equipment business is so full of greed, ********, and Bush-administration-style tactics these days. Isn't that one of the main reasons why we build our own gear instead? Assume the worst until you HEAR+EXPERIENCE otherwise.
[quote author="sbranco"] Remember when no one could touch Japanese built cars? Well they still can't.

China just may kick all our ***** when they own the world.

What exactly do you mean about Japanese cars? We (in Britain) used to control import of Japanese cars when they boomed to keep people buying British cars. The fact remains though that the Japanese cars were more reliable and generally better.

I also don't quite understand what you mean about China? Do you think that China is going to completely dominate the professional microphone market? Or do you think that economically it is going to become a super-power?
We used to put quotas on imports here too (not sure if it ever applied to cars) The Japanese started out slow and built crappy cars. Then they figured it out and I think since have built the best cars (value wise). American car co.s refute it but its no contest really. American cars have gotten better but they haven't caught up.

With China I mean they are becoming an economic super power and they are likely going to dominate many industries, not just microphones. If they were smart, and I am thinking they are, I would bet they are reading these boards. For the life of me, I can't figure out why they haven't made some of the mods recommended on here and elsewhere to their mics. Simple mods mostly not costly so why not mod the originals at the factory - i.e. the MXL 5062.

As far as jumping on the bandwagon, the Black Knight might be crap. I am hoping that gyraf will give us as objective review as possible. (I assume he isn't getting a bag of cash from some Latvian guy) :oops:

Let the free market win! I hope Blue and JZ compete ferociously and we wind up getting some good deals on mics.

Excess profits breed ruinous competition (hopefully).
[quote author="gyraf"]I just recieved the Violet "Black Knight" - looks very good in-person! I'll post results when I've had the chance to try it out..Jakob E.[/quote]

The Chinese (in joint venture, often) don't look to supply the local market. They try to supply the entire world. Who can compete with that? Which is why Japanese, German, US, UK etc companies have been in there for years, setting up as partners.

And since most people will buy based on branding, advertising, and advertorial (paid)...........this forum is very valuable.

My .002c
[quote author="mikka"]And since most people will buy based on branding, advertising, and advertorial (paid)...........this forum is very valuable.[/quote]
EXACTLY! And the non-commercially biased opinions normally expressed on this forum are much more valuable than a magazine review, which is why we want to keep people like JZ with his shills and bribery AWAY FROM HERE.


Please investigate this matter and act accordingly.