[quote author="buttachunk"]
I agree that this is frustrating.
Want proof that this is a cultural issue ? For one, how about looking at the fact that their deal with Blue soured so badly. Appearantly they don't use contracts-- that's their culture.
It has been my understanding from reading the many posts on this topic that the one party could not come to contract terms with the other party, the whole souring was over contract, not the fact that they didnt exist.
Also, why are people assuming that Daniel is JZ himself ? He has noted that his employees have access to his computer.
whomever's fingers pushed buttons on a keyboard, the post came from the factory and is clearly designed to not read like "hello, Im an employee of this company and our products are so great". If they had just done that nobody would have anything to say had they posted their ad in the black market, but they post this crap in the wrong forum and then it comes off like some random dude who accidentally stumbled upon the violet site and is doing us a public service by informing us of this. Read that first post again. It feels like a public service but its an advertisement and we have beaten to death where advertisements should go and the moderators and the group have INVITED ads here, just stick them in the right place. Of course to advertise you need to get out of the sheeps clothing so to speak so maybe Im speaking to the choir on this one.
Dave-- you are right, I don't have much time to follow this stuff,, it's just seeming overly critical-- every time I see them post anything at all it is turned in to a witch-hunt.
with all due respect, when you conduct your **** like this, you pretty much deserve a witch hunt. I mean that in the nicest possible way too.
I don't think that posting comparison pictures is misleading.
I agree. Posting a photo of two capsules and claiming that one is chinese is ****** though. If it is chinese please please provide proof of that claim as about a million people would really like to know that. Im not defending BLUE, I just want a clear answer one way or another. I dont give an F where the mics are made, I just want to accurately know WTF is going on for the gabillionth time. If its a chinese capsule, prove it. The only thing that picture shows is the capsules are different. Big deal. JZ said he stopped making the capsules a long time ago and provided the final serial numbers which he built for BLUE. Its not a news story that the capsules in new BLUE mics are different, he told us in great detail that he ceased supplying them a looooong time ago. So why this post which functions as propaganda IMO. Of course they are different, someone else is making them. Duh. Now we've got the one company claiming that the mics are chinese. Thats intensely ****** up if they arent.
I think all anyone wants here is accurate info. Nobody is out to damage someone's business. The route that these folks chose to provide info and the way in which they provide info illicits more questions than answers most of the time.