[BUILD] 1176LN Rev D DIY

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This brings up a great point - when testing the ratio/meter board hookup wires for continuity, test from the wire all the way to the pins on the pushbutton pins - this will help ensure you have not lifted a pad on the PCB or caused some other possibly intermittent continuity issue.  Just follow the traces from the pads to the pins to make sure every connection is solid.

Trench Recordings said:
Hey guys, building my first set of 1176s rev d. Mnats / Hairball.

Looks like I lifted a pad on the ratio board. The green wire, pin 4. Can I solder to the middle pin close to the pad on the 20 ratio switch ? Looks like the trace goes there.

I just finished my 1176 rev D with the Hairball Audio Kit. The Unit powered up and I did the whole calibration stuff. The comp works on 20:1 and 12:1, but there is no gain reduction at 8:1 and 4:1. I checked  that with different settings, but I had any success. I also checked the resistor values on the ratio board, but they match the list from hairball audio.

AC on 22:  20:1 0.5v
                12:1 0.25V
                  8:1 0.0V
                  4:1 0.0V

DC on 21:  20:1 6.55v
                12:1 3.51V
                  8:1 2.36V
                  4:1 1.40V

??? Any suggestions where to start with the troubleshooting ???

mdmedia said:
...but everything seems to be OK on the ratio board.

Assuming you are using a test signal into the input when you measured the voltages you posted earlier, how can this be true? Use a signal tracer and listen to the audio coming into the gain reduction control amplifier at point 22. If it's OK at 20:1 and 12:1 but disappears altogether at 8:1 and 4:1 (as your figures suggest) then you have a problem on the ratio board.

This question is directed to Mnats!

I ordered a Hairballaudio-kit rev D about a month ago. It was also supposed to include Mnats PCB-kit.

I would just like to know that it was shipped when it was supposed to.
liljeblad said:

This question is directed to Mnats!

I ordered a Hairballaudio-kit rev D about a month ago. It was also supposed to include Mnats PCB-kit.

I would just like to know that it was shipped when it was supposed to.


it would help both of us if you could include your name.  Also please post in the MNATs white market thread.

liljeblad said:

This question is directed to Mnats!

I ordered a Hairballaudio-kit rev D about a month ago. It was also supposed to include Mnats PCB-kit.

I would just like to know that it was shipped when it was supposed to.

Answered in the White Market thread.

I have completed the 1176 I have some questions.

1. Whenever I turn on the power, current noise is big ,after 15 seconds no the current noise .

which is normal for this?

2. When I open the Input and Output to a maximum value when, in the computer will see noise signal, which is normal for this?
andydiy... it takes a few secs for the unit to power up.  This is normal.

And " 2. When I open the Input and Output to a maximum value when, in the computer will see noise signal, which is normal for this?"

are you kidding ? just use the compressor and you'll learn how loud that output really is.

Thanks for your reply!

sorry My English is not good !

Second problem only 1176 should not have noise signal?

I the input turned off , output button keys to 6db, in the computer will see noise signal, which is normal for this?

Trench Recordings said:
andydiy... it takes a few secs for the unit to power up.  This is normal.

And " 2. When I open the Input and Output to a maximum value when, in the computer will see noise signal, which is normal for this?"

are you kidding ? just use the compressor and you'll learn how loud that output really is.

Another successful build!  Thanks MNATS and Hairball!





20:1 and 12:1 are okay.

But I found the 8:1 and 4:1  no compressor feeling.

Do you know why?

I do not have a device to test, can only use the Fluke 117 True RMS Multimeter test.

If a want to test 1176, buy what  a device ?

You can introduce it?

Thank !
is your unit calibrated with mnats videos ? when the meter is in GR mode do u see gain reduction in all ratios. Remember the threshold knee is dependent on the input / ouput volumes. Crank up the input and see if you can get compression in 8:1 and 4:1.

If not, maybe check your ratio board connections and solder points...

I've used your method to test, and really do not have a compressor in 8:1 and 4:1.

I Zhang test video youtube please take you look at.


In addition, I have three pictures, help me to see there is an error?

have Opportunity R71 / R44 / R59 / R86, error?

Very grateful for the help!

Trench Recordings said:
is your unit calibrated with mnats videos ? when the meter is in GR mode do u see gain reduction in all ratios. Remember the threshold knee is dependent on the input / ouput volumes. Crank up the input and see if you can get compression in 8:1 and 4:1.

If not, maybe check your ratio board connections and solder points...


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