dgold said:I now have better meter performance after re-flowing the wire connector joints but still am having difficulty getting full deflection of the meter with the zero adjust during the reduction meter tracking adjustment. I believe this may be due to mismatched transistors. What is the best way to handle this at this point. Trying to find better matched transistors? I don't have a good way to check HFE (which is why I had to skip this step while building). Thanks for all the help.
dgold said:I'm assuming that would be a Bournes 5K pot at R44
ln76d said:I could misunderstand you, but i'll try
External meter screw is only to set first position on the scale to get proper tracking tolerance range.
Potentiometer inside the circuit is much more for tuning correct reading in a full scale - truly i don't know how better to explain that in english
Those are different adjustements. Check mnats (or others) adjustment procedure videos and UREI manual.
ln76d said:I would give you the answer if i will know what is "third pole on the meter rotary"
More precisely please, is it marked somehow anywhere? I'm too lazy to search.
ln76d said:I don't know where are my boards - i didn't use it, so i can't compare to these:
As you can see one position is connecting only the air.
Standard for rotary was +4, GR and GR off. If you are using 4 position switch, you can add +8.
I didn't use pcb for switch at all, only wired everything direct to the switch pins.
When the attack control is "on" (full CW) and you see 0dBu at the output, use R44 to set the meter to -10.