I'm going to jump in with my most pressing concern and likely roll into other possible issues with my builds.
I've got two (2) FC526-XFMRs completed and started on the calibration process this morning. I did not get very far and have given up for the day.
My first concerns have to do with getting the correct signals into the units and monitoring the output correctly. I only have Pro Tools and a Fluke 117 meter. I have adjusted the Advanced Meter Type Settings so that 0dBu = -18dBFS. For Q Bias of VVR, I thus set the output of my signal generator to -48dB (producing a graphical meter reading of -30dB) and matched the incoming signal out of the bypassed FC526 #1 through my mixer/mBox Mini to produce a matching -48dB. With input and output pots set to max, attack and release at the fastest, 20:1 selected, the output was around 7.1-7.2dBu (or -10.8 to -10.9dB). Turning RV2 CW until it did not change did very little, the steady level was about -7.2dBu. I opted to set the bias voltage per the reading from the plastic bag and dialed in RV2 by measuring the DC voltage at TP7.
The second FC526 gave an output right in the correct range per the Calibration guide 7.8dBu or -10.2dB. I double checked against the bag value at TP7 and tweaked to match.
I then moved onto the meter calibration. Going back and forth between RV8 and RV1 does not appear to be getting the meter to calibrate per the guide's instructions. If I set RV1 to the specified 2.487V at TP10, all of the LEDs go out, as is to be expected. The instructions for then adjusting RV8 have the opposite effect on both of my units; with the GR toggle on, turning RV8 CW increases the measured voltage at TP10, while turning it CCW decreases the voltage. Decreasing the voltage also makes the LEDs come back on. This is opposite of what the directions say needs to happen. Further, there is no appreciable difference in DV voltage at TP10 when GR is turned on or off. I'm left going back and forth, adjusting RV1 to 2.487 and RV8 to 2.252.
Basically, I'm not convinced I'm performing the calibration procedures correctly and would appreciate any help either Jeff or anyone else in the thread could offer.
I identified a resistor error, 470R/4k7 swap, in the DTO5 of unit #1. The input transistors were running hot and sure enough, there it was. Will be fixing that issue and hopefully will permit easier biasing of that unit. #2 is fine for biasing. Meter is still a question mark for both.
I do not believe gain reduction is working on either unit. I realized that the meter calibration was failing because there was no input signal being attenuated by the unit. Input and output controls end up at 1 and 10, respectively, but do not yield a 7dB reduction of input. Essentially input and output are the same with GR switched to on. Ugh.
EDIT 3: TP09 value for each unit: -9.99VDC, -10.04VDC.