I never mention the green LED, but it does light, along with the specified # of yellow.
Both units, moved to 51X rack, only green LED lit. F! OSA rack!!!!
Is this a (lack of) pin 1 problem with OSA rack?
FC526 top and bottom ground planes link through 10R between pin5 and pin13.
FC526 pin1 - 10R - pin13 - 10R - pin5
FC526 GND lug is pin13, shorted.
Connecting OSA pin1 to PSU chassis changes nothing.
If I short pin5/13 while in OSA rack, yellow LED’s go out leaving only green on both units, and green turns off in ABI on both.
Pin5/13 not shorted in these measurements, 2.486V TP10.
is: should be:
IC2-5 2.362 eight) 2.276 (Eight does this 8) dangit stupid sh#t 8))
IC2-7 2.339 9) 2.253
IC2-9 2.264 10) 2.178
IC2-11 1.771 11) 1.685
IC3-5 2.466 4) 2.38
IC3-7 2.437 5) 2.351
IC3-9 2.412 6) 2.326
IC3-11 2.386 7) 2.3
IC4-7 2.584 1) 2.498
IC4-9 2.536 2) 2.45
IC4-11 2.504 3) 2.417
Other w/2.487V TP10:
is: should be:
IC2-5 2.359 8) 2.276
IC2-7 2.336 9) 2.253
IC2-9 2.262 10) 2.178
IC2-11 1.773 11) 1.685
IC3-5 2.462 4) 2.38
IC3-7 2.434 5) 2.351
IC3-9 2.408 6) 2.326
IC3-11 2.383 7) 2.3
IC4-7 2.597 1) 2.498
IC4-9 2.55 2) 2.45
IC4-11 2.518 3) 2.417
ready to align in 51X rack!! Rewire damn OSA rack!!
Note the 51X rack and the OSA rack are on the same power supply. A module on the extension jig in the 51X rack shows only the green LED with that extension jig lacking pin1 chassis connection .
No chance yet to check CR1 or LM339 voltages again in 51X rack. Since the lack of pin1 on the test jig makes no difference here, I'm not sure yet what's actually different. Pin5/13 shorted in the 51X rack?