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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
Lets say i have a preamp pcb layout and i wanna have 4 of these in 1 pcb layout all powered by the same psu.

How should i proceed?

Thank you.
good question :thumb:
if anybody has an answer for Target let me know :grin:

for both, my D-LA2A and the D-AOC I have laid out both channels manually and equal by hand :oops:

it's a pain, especially if you want to change something in one channel later.
there must be a way to do duplicate by copy and paste ...
first do a save-as to a new filename.

you need to close the schematic editor if you are using it.

then you run the "panelize.ulp" (user language program). this copies everything on the tNames and bNames layers to new layers called _tNames and _bNames. reason being, Eagle automatically keeps track of stuff on the tNames, bNames layers and you will end up with different component lables for the same part on each pcb of the panel. ie J1 will turn into J2 when you copy it. Eagle doesnt keep track of _tNames, so you can essentially have two components with the same name on one layout.

now turn off tNames and bNames.

copy and paste you layout as desired. ..that is a procedure in itself! I posted that question here a while back and someone explained it, do a search.

mike p
Bryan that doesn;t work! every time i do that i got a message saying "paste buffer is empty". Yeah i got Eagle very nice indeed.

Thanks Mike gonna try it!

thank you.
This is a bit strange in Eagle:
1) Mark everything by pulling the 'group' frame around it
2) Left-click the scissors
3) Immediately after this left-click the green traffic light in the top toolbar
4) paste


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