cap values in a simple discrete transistor summing amps

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Amplifier specifications:


I am aware that one should never install a lower voltage than is specified for cap voltages.

So, I'm replacing caps in the auxillary monitor module of an A&H MOD2 and I see values like 47/25 and 47/16. These are the summing amplifiers for the mixer and there are just a few components. 

Will I change the intended amplifier sound or add noise or distortion if I were to use all one type, i.e. 47/35 for all 47/16 and 47/25 for these discrete amplifier designs?

Thanks in advance... David
Hi David,

Any distortion introduced by caps will be proportional to the voltage accross them so the rule of thumb I use is to use the biggest cap I can physically get on the board.  However, the CV value is usually a constant for a given size, so I would tend to go for the 47/25v (higher cap value at 25 volts if you can) if they will fit - you can also get a job lot price.

With regards to tants - avoide them like the plague, they are generally very fragile and, in my experince, always fail short circuit.

Happy soldering

I got a bunch of 47/50's that seem to fit OK.  Haven't they all shrunk in size (just like most computers)?  The older caps seem to be quite a bit larger than the replacements. Anyway, I am noticing a much quieter board in general with the new caps. It is certainly worth the time and expense!