These were unbuilt until 3 weeks ago - They are now completely built and tested 100%. I got sidetracked for a few years and they just sat in their shipping boxes unbuilt. I'm getting the studio up and running in my new home and I needed a rack to put in a few 500 modules, but this setup is way overkill for me now that the original plans have changed. This FloorBox will power 22 500 series modules in 2 different racks. One Rack (the included 51X rack) can house both 24V and 16V modules and the other rack (not included but available at CAPI presently) can house only 16V modules.
Looking to get $900 and will only split them up if I get 2 interested parties. If not I'll keep them. New pics of the build to go up shortly.
Thanks all, Al Corey

Looking to get $900 and will only split them up if I get 2 interested parties. If not I'll keep them. New pics of the build to go up shortly.
Thanks all, Al Corey

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