Hi Whoops
I actually picked up a pair of the Gap Pre73 and later a pair of the matching EQ for them. A friend of mine changed out the stock input transformers for some Cinemags, and the improvement was noticeable. I unfortunately didn't try to take any measurements before the swap, but the audio passing through them now has an excitement to it that it didn't before.
I'm actually trying to find time to replace the caps in the EQ with polystyrene ones (as you can see they're inconsistent from one to another, preamp as well), so if you tell me how to go about a good way of measuring before & afters I'd be happy to post the results.
I've often wondered what the difference would be with using actual Marinairs, but I was told that the Cinemag (I wanna say 9045s? Don't quote me... ) are basically just the American version.
I'd actually be interested in building a replica 1073; the GA ones sound okay but could always be better.
Thanks for all the effort you put into this!
I actually picked up a pair of the Gap Pre73 and later a pair of the matching EQ for them. A friend of mine changed out the stock input transformers for some Cinemags, and the improvement was noticeable. I unfortunately didn't try to take any measurements before the swap, but the audio passing through them now has an excitement to it that it didn't before.
I'm actually trying to find time to replace the caps in the EQ with polystyrene ones (as you can see they're inconsistent from one to another, preamp as well), so if you tell me how to go about a good way of measuring before & afters I'd be happy to post the results.
I've often wondered what the difference would be with using actual Marinairs, but I was told that the Cinemag (I wanna say 9045s? Don't quote me... ) are basically just the American version.
I'd actually be interested in building a replica 1073; the GA ones sound okay but could always be better.
Thanks for all the effort you put into this!