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user 37518

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
I am not kidding, I've seen this word all over the place and I just found out that CRT is not Cathode Ray Tube, but Critical Race Theory, I actually thought that CRT TVs were now becoming a thing, I guessed that if Vinyl and Cassette are now being used by the younger generations, CRT TVs could be attractive as well, I've certainly heard of some gamers who prefer to use vintage consoles with CRT TVs.

Interesting, I still don't know what Critical Race Theory is thou.... please forgive my ignorance.
Most of the people talking about CRT being scary and awful have no idea what it is either. Mostly it's something for Republican politicians to use to stir up racial resentment among their White supporters.
CRT is dangerous especially when we had to service them back in the day they carried a lot of bite in those tubes
I actually started using a flat TV screen not long ago (2015 maybe?), I had a SONY CRT TV which I enjoyed very much, obviously it wasn't HD and the image wasn't as good as an HD or UHD TV but honestly I don't care that much about picture quality, the only reason why I replaced it is because I sleep with the TV on, and I am a bit weird, I sleep with my head at the wrong side of the bed, meaning, imagine your bed against the wall, my feet will be on the side of the wall and my pillows and head on the other side where the feet regularly are, so the TV was relatively closer to my head, I got freaked about X-Rays and stuff like that and decided that a plasma screen was a better solution, also everything today uses an HD connection.

My plasma screen is old but I love it, I know that they are power hungry and so on, but I like plasma the best, they also have this issue that the screen burns if a static image is left for too long, but I don't care, I just use the "color wash" feature on the TV and it recovers.

My parents spent a small fortune on a new TV, it looks amazing, but I am not that much into picture quality, I prefer to spend that money on something else. Call me a fool but I don't need to see the wrinkles on Scarlett Johansson's face.

LCD screens today are great, but I remember not that long ago they used to suck, I remember the late 90s and early 00s, with the passive matrix screens in laptops, TVs or stuff like a Palm Pilot, yuck!

There used to be HD CRT TVs at some point, they were never very popular, flat or cheap, but they did look great!

I don't get all this "you have to replace your TV every 2 or 3 years" mentality nowadays, but I guess that is true for everything: cars, cellphones, computers, spouses.
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Most of the people talking about CRT being scary and awful have no idea what it is either. Mostly it's something for Republican politicians to use to stir up racial resentment among their White supporters.

Of course opinions vary...

@user 37518 why are you stirring the pot and then backing away?

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@user 37518 why are you stirring the pot and then backing away?

What do you want me to say if I don't even know what it is? I just read it has something to do with race in the US, but then again, everything has to do with race in the US these days so I no longer care (or gender), I just started seeing videos on YouTube titled like "the best video on CRT" and I was like is CRT making a comeback these days? until I found it is a race theory, the world is insane these days, one of the priviledges of living in a 3rd world country is that there is some sort of buffering from all these crazyness, we are not inmune, no sir, a lot leaks through, but most of the insane stuff like CRT and much more stays outside or at least it is delayed for a decade. My sympathy goes to the US, Canada and Europeans that have to deal with this kind of crap. But don't worry, we have our own crap to deal with, 3rd world problems as you call them.... hint hint, Google: CJNG.
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Sorry... I expect this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back...

An unintended consequence of COVID is that parents are actually seeing the modern curriculum being promoted in schools these days.

Parents will be protective of their children.

Sorry... I expect this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back...

An unintended consequence of COVID is that parents are actually seeing the modern curriculum being promoted in schools these days.

Parents will be protective of their children.

This is a true yawner post--I'm reminded of the faux-handwritten letters my right-wing grandfather would get from YAF about all the commie professsors overrunning the colleges. Yawn. The usual fearmongering to garner votes & monetary contributions. The whole trans thing is yet another ginned up tempest in a teapot--all about keeping the base frothing at the mouth and to keep them from thinking about things that might actually matter in their lives.

Also, while I often disagree with user 37518, I note that he is apparently based in Mexico City. Last I checked, that was not where the GOP was focusing its propaganda efforts. So I certainly don't blame dual for his ignorance of CRT, or for bringing it up here. Seems perfectly innocent.

Now, if you want to point a finger at me for calling out ridiculous GOP propaganda, feel free. My feelings will not be hurt in the least.
definition said:
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented. Propaganda is often associated with material which is prepared by governments, but activist groups, companies, religious organizations, the media, and individuals also produce propaganda.

It a natural response from politicians to blame others of doing exactly what they are doing to deflect attention/blame. Neither party is pure as the driven snow. Education has been coopted by a progressive agenda for so long that the students educated to believe that version of the "truth" are now working in business and government to continue the social change mission.

This is a long game that has been playing out in plain sight. Of course to the people already drinking the kool aid, this is all good and the right thing to do. Many people are just now becoming aware of the game at foot (like the parents of school age children I mentioned).

Of course the best propaganda contains a shred of truth to make it easier to sell to uninformed (like low information voters). I find it remarkable how much money the US government spends on advertising. I haven't found a concise current number but in years past, federal government advertising and promotion budgets exceeded mid single digit $B a year.

Caveat Lector (reader beware)..... Don't take my word for anything, but question everything.


PS; I listed a handful of books in the reading list about "persuasion". If you don't know who the sucker is in your poker game, you are the sucker.
Of course the best propaganda contains a shred of truth to make it easier to sell to uninformed (like low information voters).

I'm a little confused: are you saying you're buying into propaganda (the CRT silliness/other attacks on public schools)? Or is everyone else being duped by liberal propaganda?

Here's a different take that's informed by actual experience: corporatization of schools is a bigger detriment to schools than the right's propagandized Black and liberal villains. Schools buy programs that have scripts; teachers are supposed to read these scripts (which are often ill-suited to the target audience, and can be nearly impossible to get through in a class period). This is supposed to teach children. Because teaching is easy, and all we need is somebody to stand there and read from this "thoughtfully" designed script, and all the kids will learn in leaps and bounds. Right?

Another element of corporatization that is probably most apparent in larger, poorer school districts is the emphasis on test scores. You need a metric for a school's success if you're going to use said school (or school district) to attract new business or to sell expensive houses. So success on an end-of-year test becomes the point of emphasis for an entire year of learning. (My son had a biology teacher who was particularly skilled at this. Did the kid learn or retain much info about biology? Not really. Did he do great on the end-of-course test? Abso-fricking-lutely.)

I'm sorry to be so brief, but work is calling. In closing, there are a lot more serious issues with public education than a handful of academics who get puffed up into supervillains by the right wing media.
Meanwhile - just to note that acronyms and abbreviations often have alternative meanings that people may not be aware of. "TV" anybody ?
On CRT televisions specifically - one of the things people noted about them was the large depth that ate into room space - but it was technically possible to make quite large screen size TVs with quite modest depth. Bang & Olufsen did this. At one point I had a great old B&O TV like this. But when new it's cost was £800+ (I'm in GB) and that was mid 80s !
It also had just the best remote. Zinc body to stay cool in the hand 🙂
I am guilty of using the acronym as shorthand for a pejorative us/them thing (me culpa).

I love history and everything needs to be taught with appropriate context and without the social justice baggage drawing conclusions about what historical individuals were thinking.
I have been hoping that this woke trend would eventually burn out as they run out of targets (as the saying goes the wokadile will eat the wokesters last). Sadly I heard a new thesis that is scary to me. The author suggested there is a woke industrial complex (not unlike the military industrial complex) that profits from woke enmity.

Looking back, I recall my surprise at Nike very successfully profiting from their association with flag/anthem protester Kaepernik. I always defended his free speech rights to be a butt... but for Nike to profit from this means it will become self sustaining. Today there are far more businesses getting on the woke train.

This suggests to me that this woke stuff will not go away anytime soon.


[edit] not all woke pandering is profitable. I follow basketball and the NBA has backed away from all the BLM signage and messaging, apparently it wasn't good for their business. The NBA is still butt buddies with China not wanting to offend that huge consumer market for their product. /edit]
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I always defended his free speech rights to be a butt...

Attacking Kap as a "butt" is an easy way of diminishing the points he was trying to convey. It's a common response to "wokeness," "cancel culture," "political correctness," etc. Yes, people who get categorized as "woke" or whatever occasionally overreach; and there are a lot of reactionaries who use that overreach as an excuse to ridicule or belittle the point being made.

Change is hard. Self-reflection is hard. Looking at a situation from another person's POV is hard. Admitting a mistake is hard. Changing ingrained behaviors is hard. It's a lot easier to ridicule and attack than it is to reflect, appreciate, understand, and sympathize. That's why it's so easy to foment this manufactured outrage among certain folks, and why this manufactured outrage is such a powerful tool for certain reactionary forces in US society--not that the US has a monopoly on this sort of thing.
Absolutely not, specially now that they have openly stated that they are "coming for your children"
its about power and money... Programing the children to turn on their parents is an old strategy (like the cultural revolution in China). The modern versions is teaching kids that their parents are destroying the planet.

I fear that we have already lost at least one generation of children to a corrupt education system. COVID forcing zoom classes gave parents an unexpected glimpse at what teachers are actually saying. I heard one suggestion that we put body cams on teachers just like police so we can see what they are teaching.

Of course opinions vary

I heard one suggestion that we put body cams on teachers just like police so we can see what they are teaching.

Many are teaching the corporate script that they are told to teach. You could easily discover what that is by looking at some textbooks. I'm sure you'd find some things that you felt justified your attacks on education, but overall you'd likely be pretty disappointed.

And I've heard teachers say they'd love having a camera in their classroom (in my state anyway, they can't video the students in most circumstances) because then they could show the parents just how badly their "little angels" were behaving.
Sorry, no one took the hint in my previous post, please type "We're coming for your children" on YouTube, no further comment.
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