Current electricity prices: What does the kWh cost in your country?

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While I was looking at my power bill plotted out over the year, it looks like winter (Jan-Feb) was my highest months for energy usage.

Perhaps I should rethink my light colored roof as being a net energy saver if winter heat is the most energy demand. :unsure:

I forgot to mention that in Texas' deregulated markets we have a base charge. The amount varies with the particular contract. My 3 year contract has a base rate of $9.95/mo which is waived if usage is over either 2.5 MWh or 2 MWh (IDR) for the month. I don't pay it very often but we had to generate our own power for about 36 hours after a storm and weren't billed. This month's average, including the $9.95 base was 11.2 cents/kWh.

I used enough gas in the generator - I figure about 1/2 gal/h - I could have driven to Oklahoma and back in my pickup truck.

My low-e windows in the remodeled/reconfigured section of the house, along with radiant barrier decking after a roof replacement about 10 years ago, made a huge difference.

I have a tin-foil hat AND a tin-foil roof deck. You just can't be too careful these days...
I have long shared that energy losses from housing are still low hanging fruit for significant energy savings. I also could use more attic insulation.
This is especially true of older houses of which there are large quantities here in the UK. Edwardian and Victorian houses are still very common and even houses built little more than 30 years ago have very poor insulation. The house we bought in the mid 80s had no double glazing or cavity wall insulation. Fixing those issues made a significant impact on our energy costs. Today we live in a bungalow that is just five years old. It is so well insulated it takes very little energy to heat it and it stays remarkably cool in summer.


1663972413666.pngI saw a couple of EX army Merc Unimog off road trucks for sale in the UK ,
These things are awesome , they have hydraulic ,compressed air, diesel- electric power and battery systems built in , looks like the perfect thing to park up on my drive . The version in the picture even comes with its own heavy bomb proof box on the back but a small refriderated truck box body would make it into an amazing camper van/monster truck .

Downside is its got a big ass 5.6 liter V8 diesel chuzzling away under the hood , upside is it could be re-registered as a camper van after modification, this means road tax costs 50 euros per year , also because of its age it gets classic designation and its exempt forever as far as modern environmental legislation is concerned .

A big toy like this is ticking a lot of boxes for me just now , it could serve as backup in the event of power outages of the grid in the future , I can add extra battery capacity and patch in solar panels . I also get a mobile go anywhere camper van / recording studio .
Its even possible to make it so that the truck itself can set the container part down via a hydrolic hoist /winch , then you can take off down town proper redneck style in the flatbed.
Just had a quick look at my electricity prices from the last year or two , at the end of 2021 the basic rate per KWh was 21 cents , by the middle of 2022 that had jumped to 30 cents per KWh , its gone up again since then and its due to jump up in price another bit soon .
Just had a quick look at my electricity prices from the last year or two , at the end of 2021 the basic rate per KWh was 21 cents , by the middle of 2022 that had jumped to 30 cents per KWh , its gone up again since then and its due to jump up in price another bit soon .
Don't worry. Just buy a few Chinese solar panels (they'll work great at 50N latitude, trust us) and an EV. Indoor heating is racist anyway. </sarcasm>
The latest version of this from Ofgem is 36p per kWHr for electricity and around 13p for gas.


Hi Ian

Thanks for this. Are these business rates? Would you post a link please?

We should get a rate cap from 1st October but for now, as I understand it, business energy rates are not capped.

Hi Ian

Thanks for this. Are these business rates? Would you post a link please?

We should get a rate cap from 1st October but for now, as I understand it, business energy rates are not capped.

Those are domestic rates lifted directly from Ofgem's own web site. However, I just checked and they seem to have changed again but I don't think the figures take any account of government efforts to reduce the pain. Looks like there should be an announcement tomorrow:

Check if the energy price cap affects you


Came across some video where Yanis Varoufakis was laying out how this energy pricing stuff was some kind of scam. Not really sure who he is is but it was pretty disturbing to hear.
He's an economics PhD and was the Greek finance minister who led Greece through their debt crisis a few years ago. He's still a politician I think.

He seems to know what he's talking about.
A means of undermining people and forcing them into further debt doesnt sound implausible at all ,
The ECB demanded these stealth taxes were put in place to qualify for the bailouts .
In Ireland back in the bad old days there were what were known as tithes , it was used systematically to put the poor unskilled labourers off the land .

As far as future proofing my home Im going to install a stove with water heating capabillity , I can pick up wooden pallets at the DIY down the road , a circular saw will turn it into fire wood quickly and easily .
I can also gather windfall timber from a nearby tract of forrest . I wont be switching on the gas or even signing up a contract with the utillity company . Electric of course I will have to use .
Im checking further into the truck power/storage idea , I know it may not be very eco friendly but perhaps a more modern vehicle would have a Diesel Particulate Filter on the exhaust as well as better fuel filtering so less noxious gases . Im not sure how dept of environment views local power generation or if the EPA would end up knocking on your door over it , The Unimog probably would run on biodiesel happliy enough, its probably a bit less poluting and of course its renewable .
I had a look at DPF's for ocean going ships , they run at anything upto 5 million dollars each , the regs for ocean going vessels has gotten much more strict in recent years , the old fashioned 'over the side' mentality is probably hard to change .

Cui bono? The World Economic Forum. It accelerates the de-industrialization of Europe.

Biden's three-letter and four-letter agencies are the prime suspects. Uncle Joe promised to end Nord 2:

With many food processing facilities being burned down we shouldn't be too surprised that the global predators have moved onto destruction of energy infrastructure. It's going to be a cold and hungry winter for a great many people.

Wake up people. They're trying to kill you. It's time to stop going along with the Globalists' bullsh*t de jour whether it be covid, the "simon says" mask and distance hoax, gene-therapy "vaccines" or faux environmentalism. The predators hate and despise you. You are cattle to them. Comprende?
Cui bono? The World Economic Forum. It accelerates the de-industrialization of Europe.

Biden's three-letter and four-letter agencies are the prime suspects. Uncle Joe promised to end Nord 2:

With many food processing facilities being burned down we shouldn't be too surprised that the global predators have moved onto destruction of energy infrastructure. It's going to be a cold and hungry winter for a great many people.

Wake up people. They're trying to kill you. It's time to stop going along with the Globalists' bullsh*t de jour whether it be covid, the "simon says" mask and distance hoax, gene-therapy "vaccines" or faux environmentalism. The predators hate and despise you. You are cattle to them. Comprende?
I'm going to regret engaging with this I'm sure, but here goes.

There is no incentive for 'them' to kill 'us'. What 'they' want is for the population to be out of their houses, consuming as much food, drink, medicine, media, fuel and every other type of consumer good as possible. 'They' profit when 'we' spend. That's it. That's the system.
Who's ready for the long, dark winter?
Multiple EU countries are debating price caps on energy prices (the government's idea of help). We should have learned from the 70's oil shortage that government price fixing does not work.

I, like the rest of world, hope that Putin blinks before the EU suffers a truly cold, dark winter. He needs to find some way to save face without doing much more damage.

Wake up people. They're trying to kill you. It's time to stop going along with the Globalists' bullsh*t de jour whether it be covid, the "simon says" mask and distance hoax, gene-therapy "vaccines" or faux environmentalism. The predators hate and despise you. You are cattle to them. Comprende?
They are not doing a very good job. I have managed to evade them for nearly 72 years without really trying.


I'm going to regret engaging with this I'm sure, but here goes.

There is no incentive for 'them' to kill 'us'. What 'they' want is for the population to be out of their houses, consuming as much food, drink, medicine, media, fuel and every other type of consumer good as possible. 'They' profit when 'we' spend. That's it. That's the system.

After locking you down for years for an engineered bioweapon you can honestly say that? Then shooting most of you up with a useless but deadly gene therapy that produces a +40% increase in all-cause death? Cutting off your energy, food and water? Telling you you need to eat bugs? While they rob you with inflation?

YOU are the carbon they wish to decarbonize.

What you're going to regret is being clueless and unprepared.

Perhaps you should read the Great Reset.

And Alex Jones' best-selling response to Klaus Schwab: The Great Reset: And the War for the World: 9781510774049: Jones, Alex: Books

They are not doing a very good job. I have managed to evade them for nearly 72 years without really trying.



If you took the shot you didn't evade them. You played right into their game.

With all cause mortality being up greater than +40% post-"vaccine" I'd say they're now off to a good running start. They'll be doing a much better job now that they're cutting off your food, water and energy.
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Amazing how an innocuous question about electricity prices somehow turns into a covid discussion again. Anyone out of dead horses yet?