Current electricity prices: What does the kWh cost in your country?

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Look what happened to the profits of the chemical and pharma industries during covid , does anyone seriously think this wasnt part of the plan ? Now we basically have a terminator style man against machine war going on ,the energy sector is rubbing its hands with glee ,universally they stand to make trillions .
Ive been taking small steps to get myself away from this rat race we call existance for a long time , If I have to haul timber pallets up the road on a hand truck or pull a cart of timber out of the forrest to heat my home I will , I refuse to buy the shit they sell now as coal here , from my basic tests what we know as smokeless coal is around 25 % uncombustible material , grit dirt and small stones , your paying through the nose for it then you have to pay again for the trashman to haul off whats left over . Theres huge anger brewing in my country , people who worked their whole lives to keep a roof over their heads face having it taken away or going hungry to pay for fuel and electricity or getting the insulation on their homes upgraded .

The powers want to keep making us running faster and faster to stay in the same spot .
I could have easily done the instrumentation course at my local tech and got a job wiping big pharmas ass for it , I know loads of people from my town who got the supposed 'good jobs' , many of them ended up with serious health issues from working along side horrible stinking vats of chemical waste .

I think most who have contributed to this discussion are broadly of the same mind , although sometimes minor things distract and divide us , theres a game being played above all our heads and its all about stripping people of their wealth ,its being perpetrated by crooks in positions of power and the spittle lick politicians they have in their pockets .
I think most who have contributed to this discussion are broadly of the same mind , although sometimes minor things distract and divide us , theres a game being played above all our heads and its all about stripping people of their wealth ,its being perpetrated by crooks in positions of power and the spittle lick politicians they have in their pockets .
This cannot possibly be true. Already the best part of 50% of the wealth in the world is in the hands of little more than 1% of the people and over 85% of the wealth is owned by 12% of the people.. Us poor billions of folk scrabbling around in the dirt for the last 15% don't have any wealth worth grabbing.

This Simple Chart Reveals the Distribution Of Global Wealth


This cannot possibly be true. Already the best part of 50% of the wealth in the world is in the hands of little more than 1% of the people and over 85% of the wealth is owned by 12% of the people.. Us poor billions of folk scrabbling around in the dirt for the last 15% don't have any wealth worth grabbing.

This Simple Chart Reveals the Distribution Of Global Wealth


"Wealth" isn't a fixed pie to be divided up. Get out there and create something useful/desirable and build some of your own instead of expecting it to be given to you. Invest, live within your means, "neither a borrower nor a lender be," etc. Make it happen.
Its not all about the cash in hand or property value we have or havent , this war is all about re-adjusting basic living costs vs earning power against those less well healed . If the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing ,how on earth can we call that progress ?
Im a middle class kid believe it or not :D both my parents had state jobs ,
I learned very early on from them working for the institutions of the state involves swallowing shitloads of dirt and covering up for the douche bags on the upper levels .
I'd way sooner have a drink and the craic down in the working mans bars than suffer a bunch of toffeenoses who look down on all around them in the posh places .
We were treated very differently in school to the working class kids , some of the teachers and headmasters were building in the look down the nose complex by systematically humiliating and making those less well off the butt of the jokes . This construct is destined to fly apart then all hell will break loose .
I could tell you many more stories of malfeasances in the corridors of power , but we all have to keep a few secrets under our hat until the time is right .
Its not all about the cash in hand or property value we have or havent , this war is all about re-adjusting basic living costs vs earning power against those less well healed . If the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing ,how on earth can we call that progress ?
Keep your head up. Don't vote for statists or globalists. Engage others in debate about what's happening and why. Stop pretending it's about "class." It's about a few who desire power. This is nothing new to human history, the only difference is the giant amplifier of technology (propagandizing, censoring, etc.). They can't stop us all from talking/debating in-person, though they tried with the Covid lock downs. Yes, it all sounds nutty, but what's the realistic alternative explanation?

Larry Fink

Larry Fink
I am no fan of Larry Fink's (chairman of Blackrock) woke policies. His "stakeholder" influence on corporate governance is a distortion of capitalism but I could not find evidence of that "peasants" quote from a simple web search.

I did find
NYPOST said:
That reasonable response is laid out in Fink’s latest annual letter to CEOs, where he said, “Any plan that focuses solely on limiting supply and fails to address demand for hydrocarbons will drive up energy prices for those who can least afford it, resulting in greater polarization around climate change and eroding progress.”

IMO a more reasonable assessment.


Opec is talking about cutting 1-2M barrels a day of oil production at a meeting today (its what cartels do).

Starve the market, drive up the price, its a win win situation for the big players .
I am no fan of Larry Fink's (chairman of Blackrock) woke policies. His "stakeholder" influence on corporate governance is a distortion of capitalism but I could not find evidence of that "peasants" quote from a simple web search.

I did find

IMO a more reasonable assessment.


Opec is talking about cutting 1-2M barrels a day of oil production at a meeting today (its what cartels do).

It was a meme.
I try to avoid memes for objective information sources.

WWW said:
A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.
