Hi guys,
As I always dreamed about building my own custom mixing desk we decided to start building one.
We started this around a year ago.
For the basic preamp we use the neve 1084 design. We like the sound of this preamp and have good experience with building this preamp.
We then devised a way to make Inline modules based on the 1084 and also added a balanced insert point. There is ofcourse a lot more to it then this.
The power supply is 3phase Full wave rectification.
This way it will have low ripple and the buffer capacitors will have an easy life and will last long.
A neve 1084/1073 wants a good power supply. The concept of this console is also to build something that will last and if something happens the session can continue and it can easily be fixed.
The raw rectified power supply is then split up in 4 seperate lines.
In the console are the smaller power supplies using lm317/lm337. there is one small power supply for each pair of channels. So if something fails the rest will keep on going.
Then the VU meters are set to 8dbu=0VU. Normally this should be 4dbu = 0VU but for some reason today's engineer like to record quite hot.....don't know why you would do that when you have 24bit adc....... but ok. Doing this we avoid that the meters are continuously pegged to the right....
So now some pictures:
first things first and we started out with a small frame prototyping.
After this was tested and checked, the work started on the frame.
And after some more work:
the work also started on the soldering some PCB's....
Elma Switches for the gain switch
P&G faders
after the channelfronts have arrived:
after the Faderpanels have arrived:
The inside of 1 channel module:
the power supply build:
Fader knobs and sifam meters have arrived
EAO switches have arrived
Subgroup/Master/Monitor and Talkback modules. (There will also be a VU meter module using the IN13 nixie bargraph to display peak or VU)
The monitor section
This is where we are now. It took us around 8 months to get where we are now.
We design are own pcb's, frontpanels are made by schaeffer
Still waiting on the mixbus PCB's and potmeters for the balance and aux/cue's