benlindell said:And I found a pair of 12AX7s. this thing sounds awesome!!! Trying both the fast and slow drip cells, I can't decide, they are both great.
pacemaker said:...
i'm trying to calibrate the vu meter but when i send a 1V 0DBV from my generator,
and when i set the gain so as i get 0db on the vu meter, i got 2,80v output
is this the normal behaviour of the LA2A, ie can't get unity gain ?
or do i have a problem ?
if there's no problem, is there a way i can increase the meter resistor to get 0db in 0db out on the meter ?
soldering one side is fine (but with a good soldering technique the solder flows up to the other sidecreal said:When i soldering a component on a side, i don't saw a solder everytime from the other side. Some hole stay white? it's normal or it need to sodering the side too?
azone said:Since the D-LA2A supplies 5V to the meter back-light (fairly low voltage) you may want wire the LED's in parallel so they can reach desired brightness. Since most LED's have ~2V forward voltage, two in series would be ~4V and the brightness would not be enough even with no series resistor.
ruckus328 said:Hey guys, wondering if someone can help me here, having the same problem as pablobolche. Some info on a power transformer would be much apppreciated, BOM doesn't really give anything useful. Looks like something like this would kinda work:
but doesn't get me the 5 volts for the relays.
Other thing I'm a little fuzzy on but think I've figured out ia the grounding scheme on this thing. Looks like both of the 5V 2 pin headers on the L&R channels get jumped over to the 5V 2 pin header by the 5V regulator. OK, good there.
Then there there's a set of 2 nonlabeled ground holes with a silkscreened line on them on the Left & Right channels in between the sowder 4383 connector and relay. There's also a 3rd one over by the 3300uF cap by the 5V regulator. I'm assuming each of these points wire to the star ground. Why 2 ground holes in each one of these though? Just want to make sure I'm not missing something here.