Dangers of AI

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The way the swamp dwellers and deep state circled the wagons to fight against ex-President Trump for years, does not look to me like he's an insider.

Nah… Part typical politics, part his own doing. Only thing new was how far Trump was (is?) willing to push things.

I agree with the outsider view of him with politicians though.

However, it’s amazing how far, many, long-time, usually pretty-reasonable, politicians had to go for him; some still have had continue too.
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Though it looks like politics has become his business: much more lucrative and influential to sell snake oil rather than real estate.

Nah… Part typical politics, part his own doing. Only thing new was how far Trump was (is?) willing to push things.

I agree with the outsider view of him with politicians though.

However, it’s amazing how far, many, long-time, usually pretty-reasonable, politicians had to go for him; some still have had continue too.
Two movies?

'No sleep till marshall law ' should be D'Trumf's ralling cry to the troops
everyone pointing their guns at everyone else ,AI wins
The internet leg of our local telco used to be called skynet. There still are skynet.be email adresses out there.

I'd like to pickup the domain name, but I guess I'll be long gone before they release it.
Two movies?
Maybe, but I’m not sure. Many times, it’s just simply seeing what we want to see and too focused on pushing agendas. Is that the two movie thing? For example, I noticed today RKF, jr. pushing that Tucker was fired for revealing, 5-days ago, how much power Big Pharma has over the media… Don’t you know? The answer is always Big Pharma. It wins every time! That’s all that is needed for AI input. Maybe we are the bots on input overload. 😮 🤖
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Maybe. but I’m not sure. Many times, it’s just simply seeing what we want to see and too focused on pushing agendas.
that's what "two movies" means... we have different filters that we use to interpret the world events around us, because of our different life experiences. We can watch the same events and draw completely different conclusions. That is why "influencers" invest so much effort in controlling the dialog to mold how future events will be interpreted. ;)
For example, I noticed today RKF, jr. pushing that Tucker was fired for revealing, 5-days ago, how much power Big Pharma has over the media… Don’t you know? The answer is always Big Pharma. It wins every time! That’s all that is needed for AI input. Maybe we are the bots. 😮
Tucker was involved in multiple lawsuits, the big ticket one was the recent $787M payout settlement with Dominion, but there was an additional lawsuit accusing Tucker and Fox of sexism and harassment. Fox also booted Tucker's senior executive producer, also named in the lawsuit.

There is another voting machine lawsuit against Fox coming that will try to use the Dominion playbook (perhaps why Fox was so eager to settle). I find it highly unlikely that Tucker's exit had anything to do with RFK jr. or big pharma, while lots of people are trying to claim the dismissal is evidence to support all kinds of spurious claims.

To me it looks like the sexual harassment lawsuit that also claimed his executive producer's scalp may be the proximate cause. Fox has lost talent to such lawsuits before.

A really quite worrying development here in Ireland ,
A bill to enable the Gardai to utilise A.I. & biometric face recognition to gather intelligence via roadside and body worn cameras is being proposed .
It all happens in the week where a major gangland criminal was aquitted of murder and a member of GSOC ( the government organiseation who investigate the police) turning up at the celebration , and resigning the next day .
This is all in the wake of several other high profile murder cases where the police were found to have ileagally gathered evidence via back channels within the communications sector.

Theres plenty of evidence the police both here and in most other juristictions on the planet are already using biometrics and A.I. for years , often without any legal framework whatsoever ,
Trust in the police and justice system is already badly damaged , Covid is over and they still want more power to snoop on people for the supposed greater good ,

Ursula Von Der Leyen also seems to be planning and even bigger campagn of mass surveilance , including scanning of all emails and internet chat .

Ireland had its national health database stolen a few years ago , a ransom of around 25 million was apparently paid by the government. They also saw fit to pass laws stating that anyone who tried to download said data ,even if it was their own file was guilty of a crime , that was obviously under the advice of the attorney general .
In the interviening time its become apparent to me the the Gardai have access to peoples health data , a proper audit by the health service on the source of the leak was never revealed , but in all likelyhood a health service computer was either misplaced or stolen , then wound up in the hands of the police and they managed to get their hands on the data , where did the ransom ransom ware payment end up , as the cops 'Black Budget' for special extra judicial crime fighting opperations ?

Whats happeneing now is sensitive personal data from the health service files is being used to target vulnerable people for blackmail and other ransom ware type cons ,

Ive said it before , the death of George Floyd was directly contributed to by the officers in questions usage of biometric and A.I. processing , they saw his rap sheet and decided they could abuse him with immpunity . If you look at it its like the cops actually prejudice themselves .

Ive gone into detail about the old days in my home town of around 2000 people , where the parrish priest , the headmaster and the cop knew everyones business , it was the exact same in every rural parrish in the country , it led to victimiseation of the usual suspects over and over again , it didnt end up well for many on the recieving end ,

The addition of A.I. and biometrics to the law enforcement toolkit happened a long time ago , what has come a long way is accesibillity ,via mobile tech .
I met a bunch of mostly Irish American US law enforcement guys on a golfing holiday about 15-20 years ago , they were all built like brick shithouses , came from tough Irish neighbourhoods .
I ended up having a chat and a pint with them ,they were carefull about what they said , I was asking them what they were upto here , they said they were teaching the Gardai new ways of fighting crime , makes lots of sense now when I think about what they said in context .

Anyway , one of my buddies had a few to many beers and tries to help himself to the tableful of whiskey the cops had behind them ,they were ready to body slam him , luckily I managed to catch onto his arm and propell him around 180'degrees and back to his seat ,
We all had a mighty laugh about it in the end .

The A.I. makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for them ,
Collusion and the laws of unintended consequences inevitably brings societal level collateral damage ,

Ultimately do we agree with our every word and even our thoughts being digitally scanned , it leads only to mental slavery in the end ,
In the old days we'd go to confession and confess our sins to the priest and it allowed him run a rumour mill , with the cops and the teachers backing him up
Now the A.I. is trying to run us in very much the same way , via intelligence gathering , its the oldest game in the book ,played with the addition of new hardware .
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Look at the gigantic game of bait and switch that social media and advertising has been allowed play on us and our elected representatives walked us up the isle ,
Now they want us to submit to their totalitarian biometric fuckbot ?

I have it on good authority the government here wanted to bring in a social credits style system a few years back , in other words they provide peoples social welfare payments on a smart card and impose restrictions on lifestyle ,
Its no different to the Skynet or the Bladerunner scenario ,
the Nanny State , a Taxnet and the cops can put anyone they want under the Biometric/A.I. microscope.
Look at the gigantic game of bait and switch that social media and advertising has been allowed play on us and our elected representatives walked us up the isle ,
Now they want us to submit to their totalitarian biometric fuckbot ?

I have it on good authority the government here wanted to bring in a social credits style system a few years back , in other words they provide peoples social welfare payments on a smart card and impose restrictions on lifestyle ,
Its no different to the Skynet or the Bladerunner scenario ,
the Nanny State , a Taxnet and the cops can put anyone they want under the Biometric/A.I. microscope.
Social credits system is not futuristic science fiction but modern China... Many western politicians are jealous.

I kinda doubt your police force is already using AI, but that doesn't mean they're not using databases and other IT tools, especially if they've been trained by US "specialists". I think our local police was offered the same training, but iirc, they declined.

We, over here in Belgium have the highest number of traffic camera's in the world. By far. These camera's take a pic of your license plate and calculate the vehicle's speed over a certain distance.

The system has as a direct result that violent home jackers and burglars are gone. Due to the fact that police can see whose license plates show up in the area where the burglary was committed, the chance of finding the culprits is very high.

As a driver, there's also an advantage. You no longer get a ticket for one slight moment of speeding, since the system measures average speed. If you pass a tractor, you can go as fast as needed, without having to fear the one speedtrap hidden on the side of the road.

The net effect is that since most drivers adhere to speed limits, it's effectively become impossible to speed, except perhaps at night. You also don't get tickets anymore because everyone was speeding at that precise spot.

Another advantage is that in case of an accident, the police can roll back the view of what happened just before the accident. And that can be revealing.

Of course, the system can be abused. Anyone who has access to it, can check where their spouse has been, for instance. And that has happened at least once, afaik.

When you do get a ticket, it's relative to your general behaviour in traffic, since there's a function to check if the license plate appears elsewhere. And that's what lets police differentiate between people who go fast all the time and occasional misbehaviour.

Yes, it's almost 1984. But in our dense traffic, it saves a lot of time and, more importantly, it allows to identify the most dangerous drivers. These have seen their drivers' license pulled. Unfortunately, some of them just keep on driving without a license.

The system also detects cars without insurance and/or unpaid road tax. All new police vehicles will also have a detection camera built-in.

People driving without insurance used to be a big problem, because over here, license plates stay with the driver when he or she changes cars. In the Netherlands, license plates stay with the car. So, it was a bit of a thing to go buy a cheap 2nd hand car in Holland, to drive it without spending any money on insurance or tax. Needless to say, the people who did this also weren't the safest drivers. And it meant a lot of useless work for the police, as tickets were never paid. So you could speed without fear of punishment.

That said, am I for the system of cameras everywhere? Hell, no. But I have to admit that this system is far better than the speed traps we used to have. One moment of loosing attention and there you were with a ticket for a few hundred €. We even had roads where speed limits were utterly ridiculous. 500 meter at 70 kph, followed by 300 meter of 50 kph, followed by one and a half km of 70 kph and so on. With speedtraps every few kilometers, I'm sure this old system caused accidents. That's what you get for having the worst urban planning on the planet...

It's seldom a black vs white picture. This kind of image recognition system isn't new. The first iteration I know of, was developed decades ago to detect bad peas on a conveyor belt. Then came torn bedsheets. It took 30 years to get to speeding cars. Not because of technology, but because it also took 30 years for traffic (and crime) to get to a level that it needed a solution.

A few days ago, I learned that the infamous submarines used by drug cartels to transport their wares to the USA have been used to cross the Atlantic. I was amazed they found people to take that risk. Even when the current situation in the port of Antwerp is somewhat exaggerated in the press, I think something needs to be done. Not only for the drugs coming into Europe, but especially for the mountains of money it is generating. That money will corrupt our entire society if we don't do something about it...

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