There are problems with the front panel express file. I received the panels and I made another mistake which was I selected a color but removed the "infill color" checkbox. You can see it is just bare aluminum engraving.
FPE offered to fix it if I send it back, but I may just live with it, I can see the engraving. But it would be a lot clearer in white.
I have updated the file to infill engraving in the attached file (As before rename to fpd). Other than that it seems to fit very well.
Other than that it looks pretty good. I expanded the PASSIVE ACTIVE and other small text.
In the next two photos you can tell that I had to cut the gold fingers on the INX5 board. JLM drills the holes in an odd spot, and it was easier than moving all the holes on the L Bracket. It is a tight fit but it just fits.
The front panel is very thick 4MM but it makes a nice solid mount for the DB25's. Might work as 3MM. In the attached file I rounded the front corners of the panel with a 1mm radius, and rounded to corners as well. I also increased the 34mm hole to 34.2mm (Because it was easy to pop the VU meter apart because it is so snug).
If you do make one of these, make sure you try it out with your DB25 "Shells". I don' think there is a standard for these and some are really thick. These are part of Pro Co Tascam cables, and fit without touching each other or the next module.
I had FPExpress drill the DB25 Jack screw holes twice to mount them right. That worked perfectly.