Deaths from climate change

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Your position is interesting, which is that of those who put humanity at the center of things, on the one hand, they feel like moral superiors by preaching that man should be exalted, one must strive for the common good, nothing is more important than humanity and helping the afflicted.

Nah, that's reserved for the religious. Of course, they'll usually also preach their religion, while trying to destroy existing religions. Just look at what catholic priests and muslim mullahs did to Africa.

That is, of course, until trees get hurt or someone is inconvenienced by the presence of other humans, then, they suddenly start talking about "the population problem" and throw humanity under the bus as if it is worth nothing. Contradiction at its best: "Every person's life is precious"/"Humans are a disease and the world needs saving", "I believe in science"/"What is a woman?", "We are now refined higher beings, much sophisticated and elevated than those brutes from past centuries, we are now free from dogma, because dogmatisms limits reason"/"Humans are animals and should act according to any impulse as they please, because monkeys and dogs do it in nature."

I hate to spring it to you, but dogs have been created by man. Very little to do with nature.

And, yes, adhering to any religion makes people feel like enlightened beings. Seems unavoidable. Only Buddhists seem not so aggressive towards other religions.

Look, I'm not telling you you should become an anarchist, or a member of the Church of the flying spaghetti monster, or anything. I'm just stating I am an anarchist. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't feel superior for it, it's just the philosophy that rhymes most with my brain.

Claiming Judaism and Buddhism have roots on anarchism is just ridiculous. But most of what you have said is, so at least you are congruent.

Stating that without any argument at all, is utterly ridiculous.

What is Mexican Spanish?

Well, I figured there would be some difference between Spanish, as spoken in Mexico and Spanish, as spoken in Spain. Isn't there?
Nah, that's reserved for the religious. Of course, they'll usually also preach their religion, while trying to destroy existing religions. Just look at what catholic priests and muslim mullahs did to Africa.

I hate to spring it to you, but dogs have been created by man. Very little to do with nature.

And, yes, adhering to any religion makes people feel like enlightened beings. Seems unavoidable. Only Buddhists seem not so aggressive towards other religions.

Look, I'm not telling you you should become an anarchist, or a member of the Church of the flying spaghetti monster, or anything. I'm just stating I am an anarchist. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't feel superior for it, it's just the philosophy that rhymes most with my brain.

Stating that without any argument at all, is utterly ridiculous.

Well, I figured there would be some difference between Spanish, as spoken in Mexico and Spanish, as spoken in Spain. Isn't there?
Your series of strawmans do not allow us to have a discussion, for example, responding that dogs were created by man, when the whole point of the argument was other is childish. You are just one logical fallacy after another.

You say that stating what I stated without any argument is utterly ridiculous, yet, you did exactly the same thing when you stated that Judaism has its roots on anarchy.

I think you should re-write your post addressing what I said, but this time, do it without the straw man arguments.
That is unless you consider that the mere presence of others threatens what your climate religion preaches, then you start talking about the population problem and having to deal with it.

I'm not talking about the Endlösung. Where did you get that notion?

Over eight billion is a problem. Period. If that expansion continues there will simply be no place for everyone. Let alone food. And emigration to Mars, fi seems not for the immediate future. I mean, the first try just exploded days ago...

Besides, if you think global warming is a religion, you need to see a shrink, in stead of a priest.
Your series of strawmans do not allow us to have a discussion, for example, responding that dogs were created by man, when the whole point of the argument was other is childish. You are just one logical fallacy after another.

You say that stating what I stated without any argument is utterly ridiculous, yet, you did exactly the same thing when you stated that Judaism has its roots on anarchy.

I think you should re-write your post addressing what I said, but this time, do it without the straw man arguments.

Let me educate you:
I'm not talking about the Endlösung. Where did you get that notion?

Over eight billion is a problem. Period. If that expansion continues there will simply be no place for everyone. Let alone food. And emigration to Mars, fi seems not for the immediate future. I mean, the first try just exploded days ago...

Besides, if you think global warming is a religion, you need to see a shrink, in stead of a priest.
In what way is eight billion a problem?

Global Warming is a religion, or rather a cult.
So because nowadays some Jews are anarchists, that means Judaism has roots on anarchism (your words), thanks for educating me.

Yiddish anarchist literature flourished since the 1880s until the 1950s and, on much smaller scale, until the 1980s;
Didn't know Abraham was from the XIX century.

Im sorry, saying that because people didn't have a king in the Book of Judges, they were anarchists, it is ridiculous and it is trying to impose your crazy views on the ancient world. All your Jewish anarchists seem to be from the XIX century till this day. So the roots clearly don't go very deep.

Your claims of history don't make sense, but the likes of you insist on rewriting history.
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OK, here you go, since you already learned how to write anarchism in stead of anarchy:
Anarchism goes back to ancient Greece and before that, even China. Lots of it was lost, because anarchists don't organise in exclusive clubs...
There have been rebellious humans throughout history, claiming that for this reason they were "anarchists" is, as most of you statements, ridiculous.

Yet, you seem to know nothing about the true roots of such religions, you just seem to love anarchism and want to see it anywhere else you look, just like any religious person.


since you already learned how to write anarchism in stead of anarchy:
And the first link in your post says

Surprisingly, many of the world's most popular religions have a lot to do with anarchy.
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I'm not talking about the Endlösung. Where did you get that notion?
Well, how do you propose to manage the inconvenience of telling others what to do (re: reproductive rights) or "managing" the result (a growing population) without some "unpleasantness?"

Over eight billion is a problem. Period. If that expansion continues there will simply be no place for everyone. Let alone food. And emigration to Mars, fi seems not for the immediate future. I mean, the first try just exploded days ago...
You seem blissfully unaware of the recent past.
Besides, if you think global warming is a religion, you need to see a shrink, in stead of a priest.
But your ideas "aren't better than anyone elses."
Thanks. All new to me. Is he supposed to be an anarchist?
Anarchism: a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.

I guess as far as religious intrusion into government he is. I don't know more about him except that he is the dead president's son.

I myself would be an anarchist if there wasn't such a preponderance of evil imbeciles in the population, making civilized anarchy impossible. My next choice would be a benevolent monarchy, but again highly unlikely to occur, so social democracy is my fall-back. Religion (magical thinking) has no part in government, but that's just my opinion and not worth arguing about here.
Anarchism: a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.

Not a new idea, but an old failed one.

I guess as far as religious intrusion into government he is. I don't know more about him except that he is the dead president's son.

I myself would be an anarchist if there wasn't such a preponderance of evil imbeciles in the population, making civilized anarchy impossible.
Again, reality must be accounted for if any political/governmental system is to work.

My next choice would be a benevolent monarchy, but again highly unlikely to occur,
Unlikely to persist if it ever occurs. Magical thinking involved.

so social democracy is my fall-back.
That is, voting socialists into power and hoping they don't run out of everyone else's money in the process.

Religion (magical thinking) has no part in government, but that's just my opinion and not worth arguing about here.
I agree on both counts, but your desired examples all involve some magical thinking or "hope" that human nature (reality) doesn't spoil them. Illogical.
I've related this story before, but unbeknownst to you at the time (c.2006 or shortly after) you helped change/open my mind about Venezuela with some posts right here in The Brewery. Those remarks were probably debated by some of the same characters here today.
I expect it was different characters back then but probably chanting the same partisan talking points.

In my experience debates are rarely won or lost on the internets, but speaking truth consistently may help the occasional lurker who pays attention.

Question everything, including me. Many of these same arguments have been going on for decades.

Thanks for the kind words.

I expect it was different characters back then but probably chanting the same partisan talking points.
I believe a few of the same early adopter crowd are still here.

In my experience debates are rarely won or lost on the internets, but speaking truth consistently may help the occasional lurker who pays attention.

Question everything, including me. Many of these same arguments have been going on for decades.
Of course. Skepticism is a lifestyle.

Thanks for the kind words.

I agree on both counts, but your desired examples all involve some magical thinking or "hope" that human nature (reality) doesn't spoil them. Illogical.
No, I said they wouldn't work just because of that. I guess you don't read well.
As long as they were atheist?
Not atheist - agnostic, which is where I stand.
1/3 of Florida is expected to be developed by 2070...others say 17% by 2070....

That seems a luxury to where I am. Over here we're already over 50%. Luckily, the local population is going down, but that's easily compensated by immigration...
Anarchism: a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.

That's the narrow definition. The ideal idea. For me, it's about base democracy, where every area chooses it's local leaders and the choose to cooperate with other areas, or not.

I guess as far as religious intrusion into government he is. I don't know more about him except that he is the dead president's son.

He's new to me. I tend to ignore people who are anti anything.

I myself would be an anarchist if there wasn't such a preponderance of evil imbeciles in the population, making civilized anarchy impossible. My next choice would be a benevolent monarchy, but again highly unlikely to occur, so social democracy is my fall-back. Religion (magical thinking) has no part in government, but that's just my opinion and not worth arguing about here.

Ah, my biggest concern with monarchy would be that it's completely inhumane for the people in the royal family. They have no real life, despite having privileges. Anyone who's ever been close to a monarchy will probably agree to that. It's especially hard on the youth. Imagine having at least two wardens around, 24 hours a day, every day. There's also a lack of privacy. And a lack of choice in life.

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