Well known GA Tech Physics professor who inspired many of his students in the professional sound business. RIP
I was lucky enough to know him.
I was lucky enough to know him.
Yup, Dr Leach was well respected for his work in the EE dept, Dr Patronis for work in Physics. They surely must have known each other.GA Tech has been a cradle for great analog/audio professors, Dr. Marshall Leach was also one of the best, I have a couple of his books, they are amazing.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis, requiescat in pace. Amen.
I'll take a look at that paper. His book on low noise electronics is amazing, Motchenbacher/Fitchen is a great reference, but this spiral bound by Leach is at a whole different level of complexity. Truly amazing.Yup, Dr Leach was well respected for his work in the EE dept, Dr Patronis for work in Physics. They surely must have known each other.
PS: My favorite Leach paper was published in the AES about rise time limiting an amplifier with the input stage circuit design. A properly rise time limited amp, was impossible to slew limit with any valid input signal that did not clip the output.
Thanks John!An Amplifier Input Stage Design Criterion for the Suppression of Dynamic Distortions
A design criterion for the input stage of an amplifier is presented which can be used to eliminate the principal source of dynamic distortion mechanisms such as TIM and SID in feedback amplifiers. The criterion is developed independently of the slew rate of the amplifier or the bandwidth of the input stage and the stages which follow this stage.
Author: Leach, Jr., W. Marshall
Affiliation: School of Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
JAES Volume 29 Issue 4 pp. 249-251; April 1981 Permalink
Publication Date: April 1, 1981
This was such a short paper you can get the gist of the design approach from just the one free page...