After 2.5 years thinking about this with a lot of faith and over 100 hours of work in just the last 3 weeks, well deserved I guess!
I intend to drill the PCB. The rails holes doesnt give space for PCB to align. I have tried to redo the rails the other way around but broke one trying to do that. I think it's safer to stick with this option. For my needs, it must look clean and secure just to make sure nothing happens using them. As a last resort, I will think to do as your recommendation.
Since I have the -10 pad switch, I will split and isolate each part of the capsule in each switch independently. Glad I questioned, because I never heard about it. I will do my research on the difference between DPDT vs SPST.
I will do this test as soon I finish with JFET and HFE [waiting on parts, should arrive next week]
Sorry about that. I still learning how to read a schematic. I have found a thread here on the website that I'm studying to understand it better.
Well...I want these mics to be the best I can. I will call it out at some point haha
Always learning! thank you for being very generous with your insight and time!
Got it.
I have a problem. I'm a perfectionist by nature

I just want to make sure it's properly done.
These costs are properly aligned with the purpose, so I'm at peace with it.
I'm excited. This will bring very good things in my personal and professional life.
Yup. On the road to the Grammy!
I appreciate your time and very valuable insight to get this done.
I will keep you posted.
Have a great Week!