[quote author="abby normal"]It's real. If it applies to you, you live in the USA you should be able to receive a portion of the restitution.[/quote]
Unfortunately it's "real" only in the sense that it actually exists.....
It's a JOKE though, as the $3.5 million they "settle" on,
while admitting no wrongdoing, is a FRACTION of the amount of money they made/saved by ******* people over.
My brother was part of one of the original lawsuits, and technically got about
10% of what he "lost" (although he played it up just so he might get more than a small fraction.........didn't work).
The people who run companies like that should be taken out and SHOT,
it's really pathetic. There's plenty of money to be made running things respectably. If they just had more security measures there would be less fraud.
Of course there would be less "business" too. And they can't have that,,,,,,,,
So to CHOOSE to run fast and loose, then **** the legit customers because
THEY choose to be lax on security, it's disgusting.