Not sure how I offended you? ?
> triode connected EF86 is sorta 12AY7 / 7025
I would not say they are all that similar. Mu is all over the place, as is the maximum current.
All three were promoted with some promise of low-noise.
> why 7025 was so popular with sensible condensor mike makers.
7025 was also promoted as a more-reliable type. Since condensor mike tubes are often expected to last many years, and the mikes were not cheap in those days, 7025 would be a preferred type. I suspect that after 1959, "7025" was just the better crop of 12AX7, not a separate production. You could probably "make your own 7025" by buying 100 12AX7 and weeding-out 5 or 10 that burbled or rattled.
Of course today's production is all lowest-bidder and the markings of the buyer's choice. And some of the "12AX7" on the small retail market may be the fall-out from some guitar-amp maker's weeding-out process of his boxes of 100 12AX7.