ElaM251 in T.Bone SCT800 donor body

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Finally finished this baby! Got slightly confused about wiring J1 connector on the main board and of course wired it the wrong way around. After finally finding the error (weeks passed), the mic sounds really really sweet. Thank you mihi_fuchs for the good work! And maybe leave a small remark in the build guide about wiring J1. I thought pin 1 was where J1 is printed. Now I know!

Finally finished this baby! Got slightly confused about wiring J1 connector on the main board and of course wired it the wrong way around. After finally finding the error (weeks passed), the mic sounds really really sweet. Thank you mihi_fuchs for the good work! And maybe leave a small remark in the build guide about wiring J1. I thought pin 1 was where J1 is printed. Now I know!

Hey max,

Cool, super happy to hear it worked out well.

Thanks for the remark concerning j1. I‘ll do another batch i will print the connections to the pcb. For the while i‘ll update the building guide according to your remarks. Really like you posted it - so many remarks like yours in this forum saved so many hours of mine - so i‘m very happy about your feedback.

Have a really nice remaining weekend.

Best wishes
Finally finished this baby! Got slightly confused about wiring J1 connector on the main board and of course wired it the wrong way around. After finally finding the error (weeks passed), the mic sounds really really sweet. Thank you mihi_fuchs for the good work! And maybe leave a small remark in the build guide about wiring J1. I thought pin 1 was where J1 is printed. Now I know!

here is the wiring lined out. Hope that helps for the moment and spares some time when building it:
More than happy with final look of what used to be t.bone sct 800 after painting and headbasket replacement.

they look REALLY GOOD!!! Did you powder coat or paint the body?
I remember you telling that the head grill made a sonic difference. Were you able to figure out if it was for the better or the worse. I know that's of course depending on what you like and the application of the mic, but maybe you were able to play a bit around and find the differences. I would love to hear about that and it would maybe be some nice and valuable info in this forum too :) ...

Thanks for sharing the beauties here by picture ... Really nice job! Hope they sound as they look :)!

Hi Michael,

I just took it to local car paint shop and they did the job. I asked to paint it to whatever colour they paint next car :)
Think it turned alright.

Head basket definitely have impact on overall sound of the mic. Since I have a pair modded t.bone SC 450 where I removed inner layer mesh from head basket, new SC 450 basket and SCT 800 stock headbasket I did try out different combination and compare them.
SC 450 hedbasket with removed inner layer mesh open up the sound and adds air, stock sc 450 headbasket sound even and filter out hi-freq and tighten up low end, stock SCT 800 headbasket has changes low end response of it the way I didn't like, i feel it resonates.
I decided to use stock sc 450 headbasket for this mic.

Hi Michael,

I just took it to local car paint shop and they did the job. I asked to paint it to whatever colour they paint next car :)
Think it turned alright.

Head basket definitely have impact on overall sound of the mic. Since I have a pair modded t.bone SC 450 where I removed inner layer mesh from head basket, new SC 450 basket and SCT 800 stock headbasket I did try out different combination and compare them.
SC 450 hedbasket with removed inner layer mesh open up the sound and adds air, stock sc 450 headbasket sound even and filter out hi-freq and tighten up low end, stock SCT 800 headbasket has changes low end response of it the way I didn't like, i feel it resonates.
I decided to use stock sc 450 headbasket for this mic.

Cool - gotta ask my car repair guy too :) ... Especially as I added another dent to my car as well - maybe I can add the car too ... hahaha ...
Your mics look really great - maybe really worth asking for the painting!

Thanks a lot for your answer - super nice info and comparison ... Maybe I get my hands on a few low head baskets myself and try it out - seems like it effects quite a lot!

Thanks for the feedback on the head basket - such infos I find really nice and it's highly appreciated here :) ...

Lots of fun with your mics!
Best regards
Hi Michael, sorry to dig up an old thread, but as a new member i can't seem to private message you.
Do you still happen to have those PCBs left, would love to purchase a set!