Hi Everybody
I have another DP4+ on my table from a friend. It´s cap´s time came as in them most of these units from the 90ties ...
It was already vissible.
So this unit had the DC Offset error displayed when turned on.
I thought, ok, I start with a complete recap of the unit and hopefully the DC Offset error disapears...
Channel 1-2 worked great, even before recapping. But on channel 3-4 ... nothing...
After recapping.... the DC Offset error still was present. I followed the audiosignal with the osci ... and ended up on one of the OP AMPS (U101) for channel 3-4 on the input path... I measured 15V on the in and outputs of the OP Amp... My guess is that this op amp is dead...
I´m not good in knowing Op Amps and my question is, what could I order to replace it?
On the OP Amp is written: 4565 and 5G28B
In the schematics it´s U101 (NJM4565) I found a model by Nisshinbo at Mousers .. Now after comparing the different models they offer, I ended with the 4565M version that has 5mm in width and 5mm in length .. they all have the same specs but different sizes..
If the error still remains after exchanging the OP Amp, where could I look for a fault?
Some of the spots on the analog board looked already contaminated by the fluid from the caps... I reflowed all parts on the input section.
Also a question is, if the fluid causes trouble underneath the parts? (resistors, caps, diodes) And maybe they should all be removed , cleaned underneath and resoldered again.. ?
All other areas look good so far. The contaminated area had bad looking solderjoints .... and some of the leads looked corroded.. but still leading...
Next and last question... what is the best way/fluid to clean the contaminated areas?
Thanks for tips