--- (
Have an unexpected free day off at home. T
ime to get all caps off of Unit B and assess damage underneath.) ---
Audio board of Unit B looked overall pretty good. Some slightly corroded PCB side-to-side 'eye' (no longer shiny). But NO apparent cap leakage and, more importantly, NO corroded vias. Yet, leakage underneath caps nonetheless....
I removed all caps by grabbing them with pliers and gently turning them till the leads snap off. This is by far the fastest method, but it is not recommended when traces/vias are visibly compromised (i.e. already turned black), as this might lead to ripped off pads and vias !! --- On the other hand, if a pad comes off this way, it was sure compromised already and so needed attention anyway. Wouldn't want too many pads ripped off though.
- The 100uf caps on the audio board show little, if any, signs of leakage. However, one 100uf cap sure had leaked and made adjacent solder joints look dull/corroded.
- The 22uf caps (all in audio path, I think) are mostly clean (still). Maybe there are first signs of leakage or it's flux residue from factory assembly (though I wouldn't bet on that).
- BUT ALL 3.3uf caps have partially leaked without exception (heat area or not). Those are the worst on my Unit B. Same on digital board (wet leakage) and same on front assembly board (wet drops).
The 3.3uf caps are the first ones to leak (at least on this Unit B). The 3.3uf caps sit on the power rails.
The 100uf are the next to leak. The 22uf ones (all in the audio path, I think) might be the last to go.
Leakage underneath 3.3uf
Compromised 'eyes' -- despite no obvious leakage. Components near dull-looking solder joints ('eyes') better be retouched and all SMD components better be removed to clean underneath.
3.3uf cap near power transistor heat area clearly leaked. Pad came off in removal (twisting with pliers). Similar to a compromised pad of one 3.3uf on the front assembly board.
Another 3.3uf in power transistor heat area
Another leakage. area. See crusty line at bottom left. Adjacent components better be removed to clean underneath. Hot air station makes this a fast process.