EQP-1S5 500 series PULTEC ---- HELP/BUILD thread

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I'm really interested in doing one of these... However my only 500 series DIY experience is with Classic API 312 kits, which are so well documented that its a no brainer build.  Is this too ambitious or is it straightforward enough that I can jump in?  I guess you could call me the type of DIY'er that is only comfortable with color by numbers at this point.
I might be biased  ;D but I'd say it's pretty easy.  Take a look at the build document in the first post in this thread, I think you'll agree.

I agree. Having built mostly CAPI stuff like VP28s and LC53a's this was technically well within my comfort zone. I'd say difficulty level is about on par with the VP312 build. Also the transformers and inductor come prewired, so no wire-stripping involved, just plug'n'play...

Jeffs documentation is hard to beat though. Instructions for the EQP1S5 are not as complete and fool proof, some bits you can piece together from this thread. Also Dimitri proved to be very helpful. It's a great sounding EQ - I'd say go for it!
I am biased! But I can also say I have built almost every 500 kit out there, and comparing apples to apples this is about as easy as it gets.
Of course most pre-amps are vastly less complicated than an EQ... but even some pre-amp kits are difficult to figure out how to put together.
After the GDIY 51X rack and PSU, these where my first builds (version:1).
I knew nothing about electronics before and only soldered cables.
So if a ******* like me can, you can too!!
I would say they are very easy to build.

Pay great attention to get the pots and switches mounted correctly.
Use the L-bracket and front panel for guidance. I had to make the hole in the PCB for the Inductor standoff
a little bit bigger to make the thing go together.
All the caps got me a bit confused at first but when sorting them it's not that hard to get where they go.
I think that someone in this build thread made a sheet that explains the labeling on the caps.

And we are here to help!

I would think that building the DOA's are the hardest part, but hey, I managed them too.

And the result is fantastic, they sound superb!! And at a very low price but don't tell mitsos/nielsk  :-X

It depends on the opamp you use. With a 2520, going into a high impedance load, it should be way under 50mA per rail.  If going into 600 Ohms it may go a bit over 50mA... plus about 10-15mA for the relays and LED.  This is using our 2520 opamp, most 2520s/melcors should be similar.

BTW, kante, I just remembered I was supposed to include your PDF in the build document!  D'oh!  Will get on that now!
mitsos said:
Any news on this bad boy?


oh man... well, the news is, I haven't had a free second the past few months. But July looks to be more or less free, so I hope to play with this some more.  It was working OK, but started acting up.  After all the soldering/desoldering to test things, I'm going to transfer everything to a new filter PCB. 

But, I am almost done building my 6pack of EQP-1S5's though! :)  Gonna post pics of those when I get back from a trip coming up.
Hi all, updated the first post to (finally) include Kante's component sorting sheet. I couldn't get it in the PDF, so I gave it it's own link.  Hope that helps builders out there. 

And, yes, Udo, I'm still working on the MEQ  ;D

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