Yes the THAT1510
a drop in for the Analog Devices SSM2019 and SSM2017 (discontinued)
and the Texas Instruments INA217 and INA163
btw do you know why the projects link at the factory doesn't work?
I'm in no hurry
there is a link into the projects page but you have to know it ... sorry
I had planned to open the door last week at the one year mark
but I just couldn't be bothered
I'm on night shift with the Cricket from England ...
... It seems like it may not be 100% accurate
so if I acquired all the parts,and assembled it,and it didn't work there may be errors other than mine.
could be
I did make Pete C's version and things were fine
Check Plot
Bottom Layer
Kev's F110 schematic
but as I said
there were other projects that were/are more deserving of time ... one day I may get back to it and present it better
The 5534 / 5532 chips may vanish soon ... so I just don't have it high on the list.
I was going to make a PCB that used the LM833 just to show a simple reliable Mic-pre coulf be made with a couple of op-amps and a trafo
.... see Joe's drawings of the Neve IC pre
The potential cost and time of trying to DIY the 110 or any of the simple units is very small ... you don't have to box it up straight away.
If you like the results then look to making a dual and putting it all in a rack box.