I could tell stories about end bell/end cheek designs I have used many ranging from cheap wood, to expensive wood, metal, to cheap injection molded plastic (not cheap to tool). Here's one perhaps amusing anecdote, but it was annoying to me at the time and still is painful for me to reflect upon.
Back when I was making big-dog 36x24 split consoles, we used massive (pretty) wood endbells. At Peavey I had access to the guitar shop so these endbells were NC machined from solid wood and painted rather spectacularly in the guitar paint shop. When painting guitars each one is a work of art so some variation from unit to unit is accepted. When it came to my console endbells the minor unit to unit variations were between subsequent endbells being manufactured in batches of say 25 lefts, then 25 rights. The batches of lefts and rights could be run days apart. Since the factory was strictly operated using MRPS (manufacturing resources planning system), I couldn't get the paint shop to paint them side by side in pairs, that way the slight unit to unit variations would be smaller and less noticeable. Instead I had to live with batch to batch variations. Then I had to deal with QA inspectors in the factory at final assembly who would reject endbells that did not color match closely. Try as hard as I could, I was not able to get them to paint them in pairs even though that would have elegantly resolved the issue.
Since I never got the factory to change how they ran these pieces, they probably had to deal with repainting lots of rejected endbells. I was stuck in the middle being pressured to make my QA inspectors accept endbells that didn't match, even thought these were routinely used by customers in low light environments and sometimes as much as 6' apart when mounted. That was a constant cause of tension between me and my QA people since I didn't want them to ever relax their standards for any other quality issues. In hindsight I could have specified a less attractive finish (like flat black), but these endbells were really attractive and a major selling hook.
This is what I meant by dejaPU, it upsets me again just thinking about this.