Yes, there is a opamp based circuit in the Neumann microphone book. I think that circuit was used in an earlier handheld (not the current Neumann stage mic).
As Gus said, CAD uses opamp circuits as well. They use pretty good opamps in their newer mics, such as the e300-2, and those mics sound quite nice and clean. But: Those opamps can draw more current than most P48 supplies deliver. CAD uses 9V batteries that buffer enough juice to supply sufficient current when the opamps need it and are charged by P48 when the opamps draw less current. Although that means the opamps must work class AB or class B, the mics acutally sound nice. On the other hand, that solution is definetly not cheaper than a discrete circuit. So I wonder what the advantages really are. Okay, you can use those mics for a couple hours without a power supply. But other than that? Maybe it's just so the mics are different.