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Frankly, I don't associate honor killings with the middle east, but with Turkey. Nothing to do with Islam. Everything to do with tradition.

Your second sentence is correct but you have a lot to learn on the first one.

Honour killing is a middle-eastern culture.

Of course today's modern Turkey has borders with middle-east, and has a population with middle-eastern heritage, , but honour killing is alien to Anatolian Turkish culture. For example, although I was born and brought up in Istanbul my parents are/were originally from Northern Turkey-Trabzon where there is no such thing as honour killing of daughters. More like shotgun wedding. You held my daughter's hand? You are looking at two things. Either the barrel of my shotgun or wedding. Even that is an old tradition and does not exist now. In Anatolian culture girls running away with boys was something that even songs were written about. But honour killing still exists in societies with middle-eastern heritage.

I used to live amongst Turkish immigrants in Antwerp. Nice people, except for the grey wolves. My neighbour's kids accepted 5€ bills as a gift from a gentleman in a grey suit. The neighbour told me he was afraid to refuse. Resisting the grey wolves in that neighbourhood was very bad for your health. The only ones who opposed the grey wolves, were people from Kurdish decent. That usually ended in fights and worse. Antwerp police had no clue how to deal with this.

Grey Wolves (Bozkurtlar) is a nationalist group and certainly running against them could damage your health. I know that all the way from '70s.. But running against Kurdish groups could also damage your health. So, I am not sure why you brought up these two political factions.

But what pisses me off immensely is that, at least it happened a few times here in the press, when there is honour killing or something in that line, suddenly the persons involved are Turkish, but when there is some political agenda then they are oppressed Kurdish. I am afraid to say that the honour killing also exists in some Kurdish societies. My aunt (my mum's sister) was married to a Kurd and I have three half Kurdish cousins, though as far as I know they do not posses such notion. Besides, a thing like that would not pass through my aunt, and one would certainly not like to run against her.
There are already unemployed people there who don't want to work for the wages being offered so they look elsewhere for people with good "work ethic".
We're also running out of people who actually can do the work. I know of a large company here in German training truck drivers in an east African country to work over here once they're fully trained. We dug ourselves a nice hole by making early retirement gifts to older people and encouraging younger people to preferably seek higher education.

Of course, everyone can see the writings of the coming AI fueled automation wave on the wall, that will eliminate lot's of lower qualification (but also quite a few higher qualification) jobs in the not-too-distant future.
Yes, and I also think some culture differences. German people don't mince words, we tend to just state plainly what we think. No pleasantries required. This may sound offensive to other cultures...
I have traveled to and inside Germany maybe a dozen times since the 1970s. I am not familiar with that specific cultural characteristic. I got to know and worked with a number of German nationals, as well as other European citizens. I noticed a certain amount of arrogance (partially deserved), but they were generally civil and respectful to me.

As a US soldier in 1970 on NATO maneuvers that civility varied in different parts of the country, and some of the older Germans in small towns had a more personal connection to not yet distant history.

This was decades ago, so maybe that was a different generation and the culture there has become more brash since then. I know the US culture has shifted to be less civil. Friends of my (cough) facebook friends are making up new names to call me (trump something or other).

I won't try to lecture you about your country, (I know how irritating that is all too well :unsure: ), I am only sharing my personal experience.

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I have traveled to and inside Germany maybe a dozen times since the 1970s. I am not familiar with that specific cultural characteristic. I got to know and worked with a number of German nationals, as well as other European citizens. I noticed a certain amount of arrogance (partially deserved), but they were generally civil and respectful to me.

As a US soldier in 1970 on NATO maneuvers that civility varied in different parts of the country, and some of the older Germans in small towns had a more personal connection to not yet distant history.

This was decades ago, so maybe that was a different generation and the culture there has become more brash since then. I know the US culture has shifted to be less civil. I won't try to lecture you about your country, (I know how irritating that is all too well :unsure: ), I am only sharing my personal experience.

Yes, civil of course, but always straight to the point.
Very interesting recent discussion with noted historian Ed Larson on slavery, the Constitution (including Originalism) and the Founding Fathers, Xenophobia etc:
He also does stress how Americans did not want people from many European countries back then because of their culture.
America is the original melting pot of many cultures, but there is (was) a process for legal immigration. There is no shortage of such amplification of flaws from our early culture. Europe is not without sin in that regard.

Slavery is still going on around the world. In the US most slavery these days is from sex trafficking across our open southern border.
Yes, civil of course, but always straight to the point.
A good German friend of mine translated a popular german saying for me, in effect it went something like "blowing sugar up the ass" to curry influence with a powerful person. So they were direct unless they weren't. ;)

He was a smart engineer and we connected on that level beyond just our work relationship.

We're also running out of people who actually can do the work. I know of a large company here in German training truck drivers in an east African country to work over here once they're fully trained. We dug ourselves a nice hole by making early retirement gifts to older people and encouraging younger people to preferably seek higher education.

Of course, everyone can see the writings of the coming AI fueled automation wave on the wall, that will eliminate lot's of lower qualification (but also quite a few higher qualification) jobs in the not-too-distant future.
Yeah, we use "people don't want to do the work" over

encouraging younger to seek higher eductation sucks when their jobs are outsourced as well... Pretty sure there were articles about that in the past....
There are already unemployed people there who don't want to work for the wages being offered so they look elsewhere for people with good "work ethic".

It's not about work ethic, but about skills and language. Both India and Mexico have a lot of people who speak English. Most people over here speak English besides Dutch and French.

We also have a lot of foreign MDs here. My MD came from Mexico years ago. She's fluent in Dutch now.

There's also a lot of Polish and Portugese people working in construction here. A while ago, I tried to organise a construction company led by a Turk and a Kurd. Their workers came from Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Turkey and Portugal. There simply aren't enough bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers and roof workers over here.
It's not about work ethic, but about skills and language. Both India and Mexico have a lot of people who speak English. Most people over here speak English besides Dutch and French.

We also have a lot of foreign MDs here. My MD came from Mexico years ago. She's fluent in Dutch now.

There's also a lot of Polish and Portugese people working in construction here. A while ago, I tried to organise a construction company led by a Turk and a Kurd. Their workers came from Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Turkey and Portugal. There simply aren't enough bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers and roof workers over here.
Sounds kinda funny when others make reason appear for the system when looking for migrants compared to how it's spun when regarding us....
cyrano, Ich habe Marx auf Deutsch studiert, homey.

sounds, the straw man is dead. It's like "because science!", without substance. That is why I did not mention men (except the paperhanger offhandedly) or ideologies but the method with which men implement their grand ideologies. You have to realize that the problem with ideologies, social or religious, are not the problem, its the people running the show. You are in a dreamland if you think that "OUR wizards of smart will be able to peacefully implement all of our cool solutions to save the world!". The problem is with the wizards. Absolute power and all that. The US Founding Fathers got deep into this in their documented writings, having a history of tyrants to study. That is why they did not implement "Democracy Now!" in our new nation.
Every revolution replaced one group of goons with another, eventually, ruling over a cowed proletariat. We are really living it in the states now. If the cancel gun is aimed at you, you are toast on all levels of society. Your professional and personal lives are ruined.
There are some hopeful pockets of justice here and there, but at the top it is dark and dirty.
Regular gas is up 1/2 USD ($3.53/gal) over the past two weeks, wonder how that will hit the food prices.
Todays petrol price in Ireland works out at around $7.34 per US gallon ,

Id say the average size engine is around 1.4-1.5L here ,
I bet its double that in the US ,
Not sure about average kerb weight per vehicle ,
By the time you double the engine size add all the extra weight of the equipment like heavier duty breaking systems , bigger cooling capacity and milage , petrol probably consumes more of the persons available income in the USA .

Throwing 1200kg of a car around Irish roads can be a chalenge in any season ,
Something thats 2500kg and 22 feet long with several hundred horsepower here makes no sense ,

The roads and bridges here were built for horse and cart , a limosene is likely to end up like a beached whale on a hump backed bridge if you switch off the main roads .
The Beast busted its wishbones when it tried to exit the US embassy in Dublin:D
Back on topic about prices I just heard a stock tout happy about M2 logging two months of consecutive increasing rate of change larger.

This may be good for stock prices but bad for inflation (more money supply chasing the same goods causes price inflation).


@ tubetec : sorry about your driveway...
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sounds, the straw man is dead. It's like "because science!", without substance. That is why I did not mention men (except the paperhanger offhandedly) or ideologies but the method with which men implement their grand ideologies. You have to realize that the problem with ideologies, social or religious, are not the problem, its the people running the show. You are in a dreamland if you think that "OUR wizards of smart will be able to peacefully implement all of our cool solutions to save the world!". The problem is with the wizards. Absolute power and all that. The US Founding Fathers got deep into this in their documented writings, having a history of tyrants to study. That is why they did not implement "Democracy Now!" in our new nation.
Every revolution replaced one group of goons with another, eventually, ruling over a cowed proletariat. We are really living it in the states now. If the cancel gun is aimed at you, you are toast on all levels of society. Your professional and personal lives are ruined.
There are some hopeful pockets of justice here and there, but at the top it is dark and dirty.
Regular gas is up 1/2 USD ($3.53/gal) over the past two weeks, wonder how that will hit the food prices.
Again, whoemever or whatever you are argueing against, it is not me and not my own arguments.
The US Founding Fathers got deep into this in their documented writings, having a history of tyrants to study. That is why they did not implement "Democracy Now!" in our new nation.
Every revolution replaced one group of goons with another, eventually, ruling over a cowed proletariat. We are really living it in the states now.
If the cancel gun is aimed at you, you are toast on all levels of society. Your professional and personal lives are ruined.
lol what

Food prices!
Clear and correct. What part don't you understand?

The US Founding Fathers got deep into this in their documented writings, having a history of tyrants to study. That is why they did not implement "Democracy Now!" in our new nation.
Even the "we're a republic not a democracy" crowd usually concedes that the government they implemented is more democratic than being ruled by a monarch actoss the ocean. Unless sodderboy was literally referring to the radio show, I guess?

Every revolution replaced one group of goons with another, eventually, ruling over a cowed proletariat. We are really living it in the states now.
Ah yes, that endless succession of revolutions in America. I forgot we rewrote the Constitution in 2014 after the famous toppling of the Statue of Liberty.

If the cancel gun is aimed at you, you are toast on all levels of society. Your professional and personal lives are ruined.
Name one person this happened to.

Where were you on other veers in the thread starting with post #7 and continuing with 9, 11, 27, 30, 33 and on and on?
Off not caring I guess
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