Forssell Opto Compressor

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[quote author="Svart"]for FET opamps are we talking about a tl082/92 or something like the opa604/opa134?[/quote]

More like the OPA604. That opamp is hard to beat when you run it off +-24V rails.

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to make JFET input DOAs because high gain & high voltage devices are quickly disappearing.
I have been working on one for a few months based on the 2N5566.
seems like lots of people have made the melcor amp and have api transformers, thats probably what I woudl lean towards, melcor opamps and a 2503, have a nice api flavored optical limiter.

If anyone is interested in using a JFET-992/993 type discrete opamp as a gain make-up/buffer amp in your opto project, here is a PDF containing a schematic for a dual channel board. This board has servo amp for DC offset control, and + and - 24 VDC regulated power supplies.

The schematic is at

A zipped file containing the schematic, PCB top and bottom layer printouts, and all gerber files is available at

Edit: Dot gone!

The link you posted is not working. You shoul delete the last dot "." for it to work right!

Thanks a lot for the schems and Layout!
I'm considering to include this boards on next batch I'll fab. Anyone did a check as Fred suggested??

don´t fabricate the boards based on the Forssell PDF files. Look at that:


There are tracks that are almost touching and if you look carefully, there are actually some shorts in there.

I don´t know the method he used to output the PDF files, but it did not work as it should. Maybe you can get the original gerbers with him.
Rafael, ok.
I just need the gerbers to fab :)
I got some nasty pdf generated the other night... very strange sometimes...

I'll check those board.

Hi Kubi - I expect you are right! Are you having this crazy summer waether over there in Germany? I am 20 Km south of London, and today it is very humid, 24C and hot when the sun comes out, but we have had some rain and thunder too!

I hope this hasn't died, it has been very interesting so far.

Would there be a way to a include a sidechain link so that two units could be used for stereo?? I would like to build two mono units for tracking but I bet they would also work well on stereo busses and such....

Cheers Tom

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