further down the rip-off rabbit hole...

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
i've been frequenting here less and less lately, as it seems like there has been a further shift towards the DIFM and "me too" approach.  granted, i started there, but the nature of things at that point compelled me to either learn or stagnate.  i find that to be less and less true.  not only are designs being directly copied, but it seems like it's being done with no exploration or regard for adaptation and improvement.  without pointing direct fingers, there are (even more basic than usual) designs being copied part for part without regard for improved performance or exploitation of modern components, and boards being printed where they're highly impractical.  dear gearslutz, come purchase your boards- no research required.  in the latest case, a discussion about my own personal use layout from almost a year ago seems to have been (rather poorly, i might add) put into service in a current board design.
i'll add that this isn't a shot at jakob, jeff, colin, ian, volker, abe, or anyone who demonstrates a clear effort to assess designs where possible.  i'm just f**king annoyed, and i wish the word filter would allow me to adequately express it.
Well , what's your design ?  link to the lab ?
dialogue with analag  ?  things evolve , the world is run by commerce ?
how will a grp survive ?
i'm just venting greg, it was all purely PM-based discussion.  one of those self-effacing things that you know you shouldn't bother posting, and yet can't help yourself.  never had anything to do with analag.  honestly doesn't matter.  merely an annoyance that i'll go back to ignoring whilst doing my own thing.
Drag.  The number of people who want to lurk and PM, rather than post, is high.  I try to avoid answers and have them post their questions when I can.  I'm not here to be a private hand-holder, and I don't have all the answers. 
this rock climbing forum is Drama City, makes  the drama around here seem like milk toast,

you can post anything you want, say anything, most drama of anyplace i have seen on the web, and the pages turn over so fast, you post a topic and it is on page 2 after about an hour, good for advertising revenue,

Popcorn's recommended by diet experts. It's supposed to give a high 'satiety' rating for relatively few calories.

If you want to see a forum that's totally cluttered with mindless flaming, check out my favourite running forum: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/forum.php?board=1 I thought running was supposed to burn off aggressive energies... I think my favourite thread there at the moment is debating whether it's morally acceptable to run around graveyards...

I don't think it's fair to the dead people to mock them and their state of...not able to run-ness. Please, don't be a prick, choose a different route.
People do listen , I think the grp is healthy , perhaps not all individual members
but I'd consider you a good contributor  , Anything I can do for you  [ not skilled at design however ]