APL said:
1.1 The original schematic shows 2 x 240:12V transformers.
It doesn't. It shows two 220:12 VAC transformers.
Your 240:12 is a 20:1 step down ratio, the 220:12 is a 18.3:1 step down ratio.
Question 2. If I decided to use 2 transformers could I use 240:9v 30 VA. or are 12V secondary’s essential to the 2 transformer design?
Only if both transformers are 240:9. A 240:9 is a 26.7:1 step down ratio. When you connect this 2nd.transformer backwards to your 1st.transformers 9VAC secondary winding, you'll get 240VAC back on paper. If the 1st.transformer still is a 240:12 and you connect the 2nd. 240:9 transformer backwards expect about 12VAC*26.7=320VAC at your 2nd.transformer primary winding. This 320VAC gets fullwave rectified to about 320*SQRT(2)=452V raw DC voltage and your diodes and caps have to be rated for at least this voltage. As AC mains voltage isn't a constant, these numbers might vary by +/-10%. If you have 10% high mains, expect the HT raw DC voltage to increase to even more insane 498VDC when you want about 250VDC for your HT rail. The voltage dropping 3K3/2W from schematic will start to drop the HT voltage only
after HT current is flowing. This will not be initially, as it takes a little time before the tube heaters are operating.
2.3 Power regulator – If using Don Audio type transformer with LM317?
Question5 what difference (if any )does it make having input of 9v instead of the design voltage of 12v? Is the LM317 still the best option?
Less wasted heat. 9VAC*SQRT(2)=12.7V raw DC; 12VAC*SQRT(2)=17V raw DC. The differential to 6.3VDC times current demand is transfered to heat, so the 9VAC secondary requires lesser heatsinking. The LM317 is common avail., cheap and gets the job done.
2.4 Resistors (heater circuit) – Linked to question 2.3 above, with 9v supply what values should the original 470R and 1K8 resistors be changed to?
Nothing to change. The ratio of these resistors set the heater supply voltage to 1.25*(1+1800/470)+0.00005*1800=6.13VDC with perfect parts and typical parameters, but all parts come with tolerances, so they most likely will not be perfect.
2.5 trimmer (heater circuit) – again related to above, someone suggested replacing 1K8 resistor with 2.5k-5k trimmer to get 6.3 V on heater. Is this a good recommendation?
If it helps better sleep... just pretrim to 1K8 and dial in the final voltage to please your eye. The tube probably won't care.