G-SSL / TAC Amek Scorpion MKII

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New member
Jul 5, 2011

First thank you for welcoming me in your forum!

Since i'm a beginner in electronics, i have some questions for you to answer (please!) :

- For those who know TAC/Amek Scorpion MKII : do you think it's possible to add Lundahl transformers on the master outputs?
I didn't get the user manual, so I don't have the schematic.
Moreover, can PENNY AND GILES 3000 replace the original faders? (NB: original = 100mm / penny and giles = 104mm). Is It dangerous for my Mixing Console power supply? (Lundahl + different faders?)

- Concerning G-SSL 4000 compressor, same question : can I add Lundahl transformers on outputs without risk?

Thank you guys!

djp said:
- For those who know TAC/Amek Scorpion MKII : do you think it's possible to add Lundahl transformers on the master outputs?
I didn't get the user manual, so I don't have the schematic.

Manuals are available from audiomaintenance.com
It´s possible to balance all outs either impedancebalanced, transformerbalanced or electronically balanced. With transformer outs you need to measure frequenzy response upto let´s say 50kHz to find out if it´s linear or has a resonance. If so you need to add a Zobel network.
I have a Scorpion I and added el. balanced outs to master and all 8 aux outs. All the other outs are impedance balanced.

djp said:
Moreover, can PENNY AND GILES 3000 replace the original faders? (NB: original = 100mm / penny and giles = 104mm). Is It dangerous for my Mixing Console power supply? (Lundahl + different faders?)

get the datasheet and compare dimensions. Or ask Colin at audiomaintenance, he might know it as he sells Alps and P&G faders

djp said:
- Concerning G-SSL 4000 compressor, same question : can I add Lundahl transformers on outputs without risk?

yes, that has been discussed here before, just use the search function