GE BA9 Questions.

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New member
Aug 25, 2012
Saw some earlier posts on the BA9 and am hoping that someone can give me some insite. I am working on a BA9 and have the documentation for the Collins 356E. In the documentation there is a chart for release times that lists FAST and SLOW times in the DUAL position. I didn't see any other reference to FAST and SLOW in the documentation - only a reference to the DUAL vs AVERAGE settings and switch S601. Can anyone explain FAST/SLOW??

    The output level of the unit that I am working on oscillates when the input is between -30 and -50 db. The rate is dependent on the input level and is around 1 to 2 Hz. Faster at higher input levels. The B+ also dips about 10 volts. Seems that something is reducing the B+ which then reduces the output. After the output drops the B+ recovers and the output recovers. Cycle repeats. Any ideas??

Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The 'fast' and 'slow' times refer to the limiter's reaction to sustained sounds above the threshold vs more brief, transient-type sounds above the threshold, when the limiter is in Dual mode. See the Sta-Level manual for an explanation. There is also a note in the RCA 86A manual that floats around which references an NBC modification that I suspect is the inception of the dual time constant idea.

See this thread:


Thanks for the information on the dual mode. Still hoping that someone has an idea about the unstable gain.
Bad caps?  What's the overall health of the unit?  I'd shotgun the caps before I'd trust any original in a BA9. 