Gibson Robot Guitar

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I think this has been posted...or maybe that was another forum.

Never really thought tuning a guitar was that hard. :roll:

How frikkin many batteries does it take to wrench geetar strings up and down several times a set???

Intonation too. That's a hell of a lot of machinery to play Cinnamon Girl.

> Do you see all the steps just to tighten the string?!?

Yeah, that part is ill-thought. There's ways (perhaps patentable) to sense that a string is zero tension. You do need an "OK" from the operator, to signal that a string has been placed and locked... then all zero-tension heads should turn until their motor pulls 0.123A current (whatever implies a nominal torque and thus approximate string tension). Or until 10 turns with no increase of current, implying that the string isn't present or is slipping bad.

Hey.. you can test zero-tension by blipping the motor with a small current. A current too small to budge a string which is up to tension. If it turns (back-EMF), then it is slack and you can wind er up.

Or: monitor the pickup. Strum. If 5 poles make waves and one is silent, guess which string isn't singing.

$3K is an Early Adopter price. They will find enough suckers.... er, Serious Customers, to at least get the concept out there in front of everybody. This model may not cover development costs (that one knob may be many kilo-dollars of development), but once the market is primed they can get a Gitar Centre contract for a million units at $999 retail.