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then your audio VCA part seems ok... just to make sure feed 0.0775v (0db) and measure
controller board off
side chain off, actually, just disconnect it, and make the unit as its in original stock mode.

5534 at 0.775V input

1: 13
2: 0
3: 0
4: -15
5: -0.620
6: 0
7: +15
8: 13


i will send more check points

EDIT : output has different molex connection then the input.. watch for that

EDIT : while the 2180 chip is in (audio VCA part)
5 : -2.8
7 : 15
rest is  0

Thanks waiting for more check points that'great, thanks for your time, for now i'll sleep on that and try it all back tomorrow, and yes output XLR is different yes, and by the were you able to open the picasa link?
yes, pics looks fine, but hard to judge the resistor colors...
measure resistors around your 5532 output... everything else seems fine...

i have fluke 187, and i can measure resistors on PCB no problem, (when the power is down)
you may need to take one leg off, depends on your DMM... hard job, but better than none working unit :)

I'll try measuring the resistors but from color code they are all good, i remember checking them one by one with DMM before soldering, but i'll try, thanks again
Oh by the way, because of the supersidechain board, i had to take the two 47K resistors out, ii will have to put them back f i want it to work in original stock mode right?
hi there!
I have finally got my gssl working, and the ratio switch seems to work reversed...I have more compression when it's set to 2:1 then 10:1 , is this normal?  
and is there a way to be sure that the turbo board is working correctly?

Thank you for you support!
hey all, my two gssl are in use! They sound beautiful. Hope you get the problems sorted out soon. it is worth...
one problem left on both gssls, i read a lot of that others have the same problem with the regulators... i need to power up the first build two times till it works.
the second build works most on the first start up but sometimes theres the same problem that i need to off/on it again...
anyone knows the problem to be solved or a part number/manufacturer of the power regulator that is not as sensible? would be great to solve this last little nuisance thing.
Ok, i've put the Gssl back to original with 47K back in, and no control board connected (and connected) no supersidechain board,, only PSU, and XLR's, and i'm still getting about 340mV on pins of 5532 socket (5534 in the VCA section out, VCA out, and of course 5532 out) Resistors were correct around the 5532, i could check with my DMM on the board disconnected from PSU (I'm happy everything is on Molex, and cables of the supersidechain board are on Board pins, that save me some time, and the PCB actually, all the tests would have ruined the board), is there a way to identify a bad Cap, because that's the last thing in the list (resistors are ok i have a second board for further project were i can directly check that), thanks a lot

Waiting for your check points Kambo, so i can do a full test of the board, thanks man!
as far as i know there is no practical way of testing cap leakage without some specific tools...
you have to replace and see :(

put the bad side's 5532 on good side channel, and fire it up... see if both 5532's are still alive...
if they are, then palace both 5532 back on...

clean up your soldering side of the PCB... check for tiny bits with magnifier glass... that may cause short....
angelo2979 said:
hi there!
I have finally got my gssl working, and the ratio switch seems to work reversed...I have more compression when it's set to 2:1 then 10:1 , is this normal?  
and is there a way to be sure that the turbo board is working correctly?

Thank you for you support!

turbo board check is  easy...
send sine wave from your sound card ( stereo out)
adjust for some compression... measure the output ( actually just route back to your sound card input, you dont need tools for this) and watch the VU on your sound card...
hard pan L and R... you should read same compression as stereo ( pan C )

1:2 comps more, i think thats correct... it was explained  back in some pages,

Ok Kambo, finally i'm getting some correct voltages at pins of 5532, what i've done, i was cleaning the board when you've sended the post actually and resoldered some connections, they were all ok but just for the sake of it.
So i took out the 5534 Input side out of there sockets, and mesured and there it is 0.033mV cool! ( i think the resoldered part made it work, and maybe the 5534) so i just putted back the 5534 back in place and i think i've swapped them, i made the mistake of putting them together on the table  ::), well anyway it seem to be ok now.
Next i'll put back the 5532, see how they behave and if voltages are ok, then signal in etc.... and hope that none of the IC's i took out are burned neither the VCA's  :(,  i wanted to report on the forum to close this deal of voltage prob on output side, and to thank you  Kambo you've been a great support i really appreciate it, and hope i will not get to other troubles but i'll try to solve them by my own, (if i'm not stucked again  ;) ) Thanks man!!!!!
angelo2979 said:
hi there!
I have finally got my gssl working, and the ratio switch seems to work reversed...I have more compression when it's set to 2:1 then 10:1 , is this normal?  
and is there a way to be sure that the turbo board is working correctly?

Thank you for you support!

ALthough the threshold can be controlled independantly, it is also tied to the ratio control.  So when you lower the ratio, you also lower the threshold to keep the output level constant when toggling between ratios.  Depending on what VCA's you're using you need to make compensations by changing certain resistance values in teh surrounding VCA circuitry.  For instance, if you're using 2181's but don't make the necessary resistor changes (as the circuit is designed for 2150's), this ratio-gain reduction phenomenon will actually be exaggerated.  On ones I've built I can toggle between ratios with almost no change in GR or output level.  If you're seeing a marked difference in GR or output level when toggling between ratios, then you have not properly calibrated the unit for the VCA's that you're using.
You can test the ratios are correct by using an much level increase does the oscillator need to affect a level increase in the output of the compressor.

Hello guy's ,

i search to have a wiring guide to built a GSSL with turbo mode switchable and super sidechain switchable.

i find the instruction from exaptaudio but it's duficult for me to understand  some english technik word.

i know it's needed 2 super sidechain board each connected from the gssl board, and one return one the gssl one return to the turbo board but don't know how to proced.

should do the trick.

Harpo said:
For a GSSL with TWO (2) sidechainfilterboards and a Turbo my approach would be something like this ugly scribble
I'd use a DPDT switch for the differing input resistor requirement in both scf-boards for unity gain behaviour:
- Turbo mode: a single 10K resistor (you can keep both already soldered 20K resistors when you wirelink the L+R input of this scf-board) for the upper scf-board input and both 20K for the lower scf-board which get switched in parallel by the 2nd pole of this switch).
- GSSL mode: upper scf-board and turbo not connected, lower scf-board 20K input resistors separately fed by L and R.

For a GSSL with ONE (1) sidechainfilterboard and a Turbo, same switch but you replace the upper scf-board with a 47K resistor.

Hope this making any sense.
Hi  everyone,

I just  finish to assemble the gssl comp
and I plug the toroidan tranfo (2X 18 volt)
I tested the toroidal alone before to insert it the voltage was 18volt
but once inserted it give an erratic voltage 9 volt on one side and 4 or 5 volt
on the other side ,
any clue
did I bluew up the thing already ???
My god
thanx Harpo,
it's very diferent that i  red  on the turbo instalation from exapt audio, i will do some other search.

Alain first i you read 18v ( normaly more tahan 18v) on the psu it's in AC mode but one the board after the brigde it's in DC voltage you need to have aroud +15v and -15v.
Hope could help you.
Hi Again, well concerning my GSSL, all voltages are correct concernig IC's Input and Output section and VCA also, but i'm having a trouble with the sidechain VCA , when i put it in, i'm having regulator 78L12 getting super hot, and value drops to 5V, i believe there is a problem around the VCA but here are the voltages at socket PIN, without VCA, and with TL072, and TL074 in (both with correct voltages on input pins and output pins and VCC, no prob for that), can someone tell me what can actually ask the regulator for more current besides the IC's  ::) ? VCA seemed to be ok, i've tested it on the VCA section and pins voltages were correct but maybe it's not good but just want to check with you guys would like not to burn a VCA  ;) if not done already  :( Thanks, here are the values on socket pin without 2180LA: Thank you very much!

pin1 1.3mV
pin2 12.18V
pin3 0V
pin4 -8.52V
pin5 0V
pin6 -36mV
pin7 0V
pin8 262mV

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