I've still got a few gremlins in mine that I haven't yet been able to shake down.
Passing audio, make-up gain works, but no compression. The threshold pot adds a bit of harmonic distortion as it moves from +20 to -20 but no GR.
Scoping through the audio path, I've noticed something puzzling - I'll have a robust test signal on one side of a resistor and nothing on the other side in several spots where I expect signal to be. For example, I believe the 27k resistor on the In of the VCA circuit should have signal on both sides of it. The signal splits here and goes to the Side Chain and the VCA. I have signal on the SC side of the resistor but nothing on the VCA side... however, wouldn't I have to have signal there to be seeing signal at the output? Otherwise, how would the signal get to the output? It has to go through the VCA even if no compression is happening. Am I doing something stupid here?
I've taken the Turbo and HP boards out to simplify troubleshooting. All the voltages look good. The threshold pot swings the voltage at Pin 2 of the TL072 from +3V to -3V. Seems to be working.
I'm fairly confident that the chips are working... swapping things hasn't changed anything. Any advice would be awesome.