Ok, I'm measuring up my GSSL, with just the TL074 mounted (because I read that somewhere)
+15/GRND@OUT: +14.98 = Yay!
-15/GRND@OUT: -14.98 = Yay!
+12/GRND@OUT: 11.98 = Yay!
-12/GRND@OUT: -12.16 = Yay!
(the pcb is a little confusing in thsi, for it looks like you have to measur up the 22u cap over there, which results in weird meter behavior, the trace next to it reads the correct voltages. note that i have little electronics knowledge except for what I learned building the GSSL)
Anyway, continue:
Fitted NE5534 (x4) one by one: voltages check out. Sort of.. the -15v/grnd drops a little with each component placed... we're talking 0.01V - 0.1V per component, so I continued.
Fitted TL072 (x1): no mayor fluctuations
Fitted Main VCA (x2) one by one : By now voltage read:
+15: 14.97
-15: -14.70 <- THE ONLY ONE CHANGING, though given closed circuit this could actually be what's supposed to happen. I really don't know, If I remember physics class from LOOOONG ago, a circuit needs to be closed between + and 1 and with all the components in the way it might just be normal (I feel really bloody stupid right now)
+12: 11.97
-12: -12.06
Fitted SC VCA: -15V = 14.60
Fitted NE5532 (x2) and final voltages read the same, just -15V ends on 14.40V...
Should be allright? Anyway: POWER ON!
it passes audio! and there is compression! threshold, ratio, attack and release seem to work, there's just a problem with the makeup-gain pot. In bypass mode, when all the way down, it turns off the LED next to it.. when not bypassed, it doesn't seem to give any gain, except for when it's turned all the way Down (??) it makes an audible noise (volume-change or the like) returns to what seems to be the input level (compared to the bypass), and turns of the LED again...
I am about to change the bridge connection between the two boards, for that's a bit of the worst soldering known to man (molex connctors don't quite place themselves on the PCB as I hoped they would) so maybe that'll fix things (wish the UPS came with my desoldering-gun) but if not... any ideas? I looked for solderbridges and the like but couldn't find anything. Is there anything I can measure to small down the options to look for?
Regards, and apologies if I ask/am doing stupid things,
It's my first build