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Are you sure you didn't reverse the cables from your multimeter.
When you measure voltages you should connect the multimeter COM or Ground to the PSU ground from the SSL comp and measure the voltage you mentioned with the other cable of the multimeter.
What was your ground point on your SSL?

As long as one channel works ok, it is impossible to have reversed voltages.
Check again.

Thats exactly what I did. ANyway the good news is all the voltages are correct, I found the "no SOund in Left issue" it was just an over looked bad solder joint. Its all working.. thanks for all your help. I'm sure I'll have a few more questions in the future... but Its running.

:grin: Cheers Chris
[quote author="cannikin"] was just an over looked bad solder joint. Its all working.. [/quote]

As I said: "Same procedure as described several times before.. "


Congrats on finishing the unit, Canni! :thumb:

Jakob E.
Very nice!
I see a lot off people using this IEC power connector. Does this has some kind off power conditioner inside or is it extra shielded?
Hey cannikin,

I'm glad you solved the problem very quick.
Very nice looking box. That meter is sooo lovely. Where can I find them?

i also have to say "that's a cool meter!"

and usually that IEC connector will have some kind of filter or TVS setup in it. depends on the model and how much it lightens your wallet as to what features it has.. :green:
Thanks Guys!

The Meter is a Phastron

-24 dBm to Infinity
(MTR) 618-20025
Phastron level meter in popular 1-3/4" square case. 1-1/2" mount hole, 1-1/4" behind panel. Sealed.

Found Here:

The meter has great tracking... Its cool :thumb:

The IEC is Mouser Part # 562-857-03/17
IEC Conn/Filter 3A, Qualtek RFI Powerline Filters.

The Hamptone Mic Pre uses these IEC and when I started ordering Parts I had no idea which IEC to get, so I just went with something that I already knew about. They're about 4.50 a pop.

Just in case that you get hum or buzz in your clone, you should know that power inlets with integrated noise filters are notorious at being sources of noise in audio units, unless your power outlet is properly grounded.

This because the inlet filters include two capacitors, one from each live to ground. In case of poor grounding, one of these may let through unwanted line noise, that ends up in your Localground/0V

If you experience noise in the clone, try with a no-filter power inlet.

Jakob E.
having a problem with both of the g-ssl's i have built recently which i think is something to do with the power-on led that i have wired directly to one of the 15v secondaries of the power transformer (via a resistor)... both units work absolutely as they should do, and sound great, but occasionally when you turn them on something weird happens - the power led doesnt light, the meter led lights up but is extremely dim. no sound will pass and the meter goes up to half-scale and stays there... as soon as you turn the unit off then on again, everything is fine. it's an annoying little problem which seems to happen about every one in ten times the unit is switched on - not a major problem but if anyone's got any ideas for a fix i would be extremely grateful for any help. thanks again to jakob for an amazing project and thanks to chef for the pcbs! DIY FOREVER!
:oops: :oops: ahem, sorry about the post above, please ignore!! just re-read the whole of the thread and found the answer - latching regulator.. will change the offending part... hope that sorts the problem!! once again apologies - should've read more carefully!!!
well i encountered similar problem or so i tought, after 15 min that my ssl was working properly, the led turned off and the meter went all the way up.
now since i read the tred i checked the volts and saw that 12 + droped to 6 v
changing the 78l12 fix that matter, but it seems that there is some short cuircit cuase the the 78l12 heats up, the meter still pegs when not in bypass mode.
i coul not find any short cuircit (even with measuring), also changed tl074, and tl072,and checked voltage in vcc-+ pins.

now to wich parts of the cuircit i can limit my problem?
ok more updates.
the side chain vca died on me,when replaced with one off the audio path vca , the circuit works fine (for now).

the regulator 78l12 keep heating up especially when i install tl072, i measured current (only for the 78l12 output) with and without the tl072, it's 36/22 ma wich seems fine and with in the regulator spec's, i should mention that the 79l12 stays cool.

now what essential checks can i make befor installng new side chain vca exept vcc +-?, i do not want to burn another one :sad: .
any ideas about the regulator heating will be welcomed too (another defective part?)
Hey Jakob;

I'm building my second GSSL, my friend stole the one I just finished (he liked it too much). anyway I was wondering if it would be OK to use
1000uf 63v instead of 1000uf 35v?

from what You've written before in other threads Voltage values listed in the BOM are a minimum. But I just want to double check.


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