JW said:
Thanks grrrunge,
Seems to be working now. (My other problem was something silly)
However, I have a few more questions.
Something I've noticed is my voltages look like this:
I'm a little concerned about what should be the plus 15V leg. How do I adjust this?
I would not worry about the small measured difference, but you could try a different regulator.
JW said:
I'm still confused and wondering what is the correct value for the resistor going into the VCA when using a DBX202C gold can?
Gyraf originally had 15K, then 27K.
I've seen an SSL schematic with 15K. Can be seen on this page of this thread posted by Biasrocks http://groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=37306.0
Then there's the DBX202C notes hosted by thatcorp that call for a 50K www.thatcorp.com/datashts/dn127.pdf
And yet another value on another SSL schematic hosted on the gyraf site. This one is very hard to read but appears to be a 68.1K ? http://www.gyraf.dk/gy_pd/ssl/ssl_82e26.gif 68.1K
In your examples, you can see the resistor value varies, but if you check the feedback resistor (above the opamp following the VCA), you will see the ratio between these values do not change. 50K/50K, 68K/68K, and originally for the Gyraf, 15K/15K THAT (example attached to post)
The resistors "program" the gain in the opamp http://www.learningaboutelectronics.com/Articles/Op-amp-gain-calculator.php
If you plug in the values, 68K/68K, 50K/50K, 15K/15K for Rin and RF, you will get 1 every time. (Multiplied by 1, which means no gain).
The original comp schem is single ended (unbalanced input), but in order to use it as a stand-alone circuit, a differential input driver has been added. The input sums the identical content of the +/- signals (+ going to the positive input, - going to the negative).
You may have heard that summing two identical signals doubles the signal, so this is a gain factor of x 2.
In order to compensate for our gain factor of x 2 in the input, we half (x0,5) the signal by replacing the the Rin value of 15K with 27K. (Try it in the calculator).
If you got this far, you may ask why were not using a 30K value instead of 27K (Gain= RF/RIN), and I honestly didn't think of it until now. I would imagine it off-sets with the 470R going to ground on the positive input of the opamp in the GssL circuit.
It should be sufficient to put your mind at ease about the value, though!?